(DRAFT) Global Studies (BA)

What is Global Studies? 

Global studies is the interdisciplinary study of how contemporary issues affect people across the globe. Those involved in global studies analyze the interconnectedness of anthropology, culture, economics, ethnography, law, politics and more to determine how and why major problems arise.

These professionals utilize many forms of available media to raise awareness about global challenges. Working to facilitate cross-cultural understanding, informed decision-making and policy development, global studies experts often operate in travel-oriented or related diverse positions.

What can I do with a Global Studies Degree? 

Whether working in your home country or traveling abroad to improve international relations, the cross-cultural lenses you develop as a global studies major are valuable across all industries. For-profit businesses, nonprofits and government agencies constantly seek talented communicators, meaning you have ample opportunities to find your niche.

The global studies major prepares you for graduate study or employment in the following settings: Academia, Business, Diplomacy, Journalism, Law, Marketing agencies, Medicine, Research and Tourism.

  Delta College Associate Degree
Associate in Arts (AA)
Associate in Science (AS)
Associate in General Studies (AGS)
Other degree programs are possible but may exceed 120 total credits.

logoEarn the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) - Satisfies Wayne State University's General Education Requirements

Goal/Area of study Delta College Course Credits WSU Equivalent
English Composition ENG 111 College Composition I 3 ENG 1020
  ENG 112 College Composition II 3 ENG 3010
Mathematics See MTA; approved Mathematics  3-4 See advisor
Social Science GEO 113W World Cultural Geography 4 GPH 1100

See MTA; approved Social Science

(POL 105W or HIS 237W recommended with AA or AS) 


See advisor 

(PS 1030 or HIS 2240)

Fine Arts/Humanities *Select one (1): FR, GE, or SPA 111 4 1 of 2 Foreign language 
  COM (any COM MTA-approved course) 3 See advisor
Natural Science GEO 111W Physical Geography (lab) 4 GPH 1XXX
  See MTA; approved Natural Science (BIO 230W is recommended)  3 See advisor
Global Studies Pathway Courses
*Select one (1): FR, GE, or SPA 112
2 of 2 Foreign language
HIS 111W Survey Early Western Civilization
HIS 2240
SOC 231W Cultural Anthropology
SOC 1100
Select one (1): POL 221W or 225W
PS 2710 or 2810
  If BIO 230W is not taken; Select Set ‘C’ electives to complete the International Studies Advanced Certificate 2-4 See advisor
  Total Credits  45-49  

*All students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must successfully demonstrate language proficiency equivalent to the two-course sequence in a single foreign language. Proficiency is demonstrated by completing courses numbered 1010 and 1020 in one of the following subject area codes: ARB, ARM, CHI, FRE, GER, GKA, GKM, HEB, ITA, JPN, LAT, POL, RUS, SPA, SWA, and UKR.

FR 211W, 212W, GE211, 212 or SPA 211, 212 is strongly encouraged. 

 Transfer Credit Summary Credits
Pathway and Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) 45-49
Associate degree requirements and additional electives *
-See advisor for course recommendations based on associate degree requirements, educational interests, and career goals.
Total Transfer Credits 62-75

*The range of credit hours allows for earning credentials, such as certificates, or additional transfer credit while completing an associate degree. Some course(s) not included in the pathway may satisfy Wayne State requirements. See advisors for more details.  

Delta recommendations: International Studies (with world language) Advanced Certificate 


Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Global Studies

Select a minimum of three courses beyond 2010 in the same language sequence or complete a three-semester basic language sequence in a second language 1 9

Select three (3) courses:

  •      GLS 2700 Intro to Global Stories
  •      GLS 2800 Intro to Global Issues
  •      GLS 2900 Intercultural Competence for a Global World
  •      GLS 2900 Intercultural Competence for a Global World
Global experience 2 3
Focus areas –see Wayne State advisor  6-15
Language minor (credits earned beyond 2010 may be used to satisfy minor; other minors available but may require additional credits) 9-24
Electives -see Wayne State advisor 0-9
Total Credits 45-60

1For language courses, please see languages offered in Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Students must receive a passing grade (C) in their language courses for them to count toward the GLS major

2Students must fulfill a Global Experience requirement. Options for fulfilling the requirement include: 1) an internship at a local agency that deals with global issues or is a global organization (GLS 5500); 2) study abroad or internship abroad; 3) fieldwork or study abroad that is part of a specific course.

Wayne State credit summary Credit
Major and minor 45-60

Wayne State electives and/or additional degree enhancements (see WSU advisor)


Primary contacts

Delta College
Academic Advising Office
989-686-9330 | advising@delta.edu

Transfer Student Success Center 
Transfer Advising 
313-577-2487 transfer@wayne.edu

Community College Transfer Housing Scholarship

The WSU Community College Transfer Housing scholarship can assist with on-campus housing costs. Being successful is easy when you are close to campus resources and your classes. Living and Learning Communities can enrich your campus experience.

Reconnect transfer award

Wayne State University is offering support to students who participate in the newly released Michigan Reconnect program through the State of Michigan. Students interested in pursuing a bachelor's after obtaining their associate degree through Michigan Reconnect will be considered for this award. The Reconnect Transfer Award is a $4,000 award: $1,000 each fall and winter semester for up to two consecutive years beginning your term of admission (fall or winter).  


  • You can review how all courses transfer using the course equivalency tool. For a self-service, customized WSU degree audit, please visit https://wayne.edu/transfer/tess
  • Wayne State requires a minimum of 30 credits in residency.
  • The pathway allows multiple associate degree options with the flexibility to customize your degree path. The minimum eligibility to participate in the Wayne State Transfer Pathways is a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), and an associate degree (earned or Reverse Transfer).  See transfer credit guidelines
  • All college-level (non-developmental), non-duplicated courses with a 2.0 (C) grade point average (GPA) or above will be considered for transfer credit. Earned credit will transfer as 1) direct course equivalency, 2) major/department credit, or 3) elective credit. Credits not earned at Delta College will need to be taken at WSU. 
  • The pathway was signed (ENTER DATE). 
  • These pathways do not replace the importance of Delta College and Wayne State academic advising. The pathway provides a general roadmap to degree completion.

Career insights

This tool provides a broad overview of how major selection can lead to careers and is provided without any implied promise of employment. Some careers will require further education, skills, or competencies. Actual salaries may vary significantly between similar employers and could change by graduation, as could employment opportunities and job titles.