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This is truly a place where knowledge, passion and inspiration lead to new discoveries, and lives are forever changed. Where possibility meets opportunity – for everyone with the talent and desire to succeed.

— President Kimberly Andrews Espy
President Espy in in commencement robe with Old Main on the side

Mission and values

Our mission is to create and advance knowledge, prepare a diverse student body to thrive, and positively impact local and global communities. Our guiding values cut across organizational boundaries, bind us culturally, and permeate our strategic and tactical initiatives. They are the defining traits of the WSU community, starting with our leadership. Learn more in our 2022-27 strategic plan.

  • Collaboration

    When we work together, drawing upon various talents and perspectives, we achieve better results.

  • Integrity

    We keep our word, live up to our commitments, and are accountable to ourselves and each other.

  • Innovation

    We are unafraid to try new things and learn by both failure and success.

  • Excellence

    We strive for the highest quality outcomes in everything we do.

  • Diversity and inclusion

    We value all people and understand that their unique experiences, talents and perspectives make us a stronger organization and better people.

  • Leadership

    We are proud of our long history as an anchor institution in Detroit and will continue to serve our community while playing a lead role in the city's resurgence.

Hit the ground career ready

Thanks to career learning opportunities like internships, job shadowing, clinical experiences, service learning and hands-on research, Wayne State students begin preparing for “what’s next” long before they graduate. These "learning by doing" opportunities help deepen a student's educational experience through application in real-world contexts, instilling marketable skills like critical thinking, leadership and communication that build a strong foundation for long-term career success. That’s one more reason Wayne State graduates are in high demand in the marketplace. Below are just a few recent Warrior grads who sat down with us to tell their story.

Who are Warriors?

At Wayne State University, passion meets purpose. With endless opportunities to conduct research, accelerate health care and social justice work in our community, and contribute to the city’s culture and growth, Detroit is a place like no other. Our campus is buzzing with energy, offering the ultimate destination for you to grow while connecting with others and experiencing new things.

Every day, our faculty, staff and students participate in the reinvention of a great American city — and we invite you to make your mark here. Learn some facts about Wayne State University.

  • We are the only urban research university in Michigan, with annual research expenditures of $244.2 million.

  • Wayne State is a partner with Michigan State University and the University of Michigan in the University Research Corridor, one of the nation’s top academic research clusters

  • Our main campus is located in Midtown Detroit — the heart of the city

  • With over 300,000 alumni worldwide, Warriors make a global impact