Personal Statement

The personal statement allows podiatry schools to get a clear picture of the applicant and why they want to pursue a career in podiatry.  This piece of writing allows the applicant to distinguish themselves from others, demonstrate a deep understanding of the profession and fit for it. 

The AACPMAS application limits applicants to 4500 characters. This includes both spaces and punctuation.  For that reason, it is important to take this piece of writing seriously and begin working on it early. The PMHSC suggests the following tips and resources: 

  • Plan to attend the PMHSC Personal Statement workshop in the winter semester of the year of application 
  • Start the pre-writing process EARLY 
  • Make the essay about the applicant and not the people who influenced the applicant 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of podiatry  
  • Provide proof of reasons for 'why' and 'fit for profession' through examples: show, don't tell 
  • Determine a group of trusted people to review the essay.  This list might include a mentor, a pre-med advisor and someone close to you. 
  • Use university resources such as the WRT Zone for grammar, spelling and formatting 
  • Write the essay on a word processing document and RETYPE into the application, read backwards when done to catch any errors or typos 

If there are discrepancies in an applicant's academic record, the personal statement may be a good place to address the issues.  Consult with a pre-med advisor if you have concerns about your academic record and feel like it should be addressed in your personal statement.