Welding and Metallurgical Engineering Technology (BS)

What is Welding and Metallurgical Engineering Technology? 

Metallurgy and welding are two technologies that both have their roots in the Industrial Revolution, where the joining of metals began with the forge welding of pig or wrought iron. Because of their fundamental nature, these technologies are intertwined. The ability to develop and join metals have made immeasurable contribution to the transportation, aerospace, agricultural and defense industries. Wayne State University's welding and metallurgical engineering technology bachelor's program brings together the theoretical and practical aspects of welding and metallurgy to provide industry with engineers proficient in both areas.

What can I do with a Welding and Metallurgical Engineering Technology Degree? 

The demand for welding and metallurgical engineering technology graduates at the bachelor of science level is growing due to the following:

  • Electric and autonomous vehicles will require welding and metallurgical engineering technology graduates to work with advance metals and the advanced welding techniques to join them.
  • Light-weighting in the automotive industry continuous to be a hot topic. While much of the light-weighting focus has been on the contributions of polymers and composites, the use of nonferrous metals, high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels and advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) have been major contributors to light-weighting initiatives. Along with the integral knowledge of lightweight metals, there is a need for the knowledge of joining them.
  • The vast majority of "metallurgical engineering" programs have changed to "materials science." This change has required the addition of ceramics, polymers, composites and semiconductor coursework. The addition of the non-metal courses has resulted in a reduction of metallurgy coursework within the new materials science programs.

 WCCCD Logo  Course planning

Choose an area of study (associate degree), earn Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), and complete pathway courses. The below pathway outlines the required Wayne County Community College District courses. Courses not taken or transferred from Wayne County Community College District can be completed at Wayne State University. 

Choose an area of study

Associate Degree
*Welding Technology (AAS)

*Satisfies WMT lower division required electives. Due to the requirements associated with this specific program, the total amount of credit earned will likely exceed the minimum bachelor's degree requirements.

Earn the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)

MTA Requirement/Specific Course Credit Hours Notes
*ENG 119 English Composition I (ENG 1020) 3  
English Composition or Speech (see MTA)  3  
*MAT 156 Trigonometry (MAT 1800)    4  
*CHM 105 Intro to Chemistry (CHM 1020)    4  
*PHYS 235 General Physics (PHY 2130)  4  
Approved Social Science (see MTA)     3  
Approved Social Science (see MTA) 3 Second Social Science must be from different discipline
*PHIL 221 Ethics (PHI 2320)      3  
Approved Humanities/Fine Arts (see MTA) 3 Second Humanities/Art must be from different discipline
Total 30 credits min.  

*Meets MTA requirements and/or satisfies Wayne State degree requirement (prerequisites may be required, see WCCCD advisor).

Complete pathway courses

Course Credit Hours Notes
DRT 101 Blueprint Reading (ET 2140)        3  
MAN 120 Survey of Material Science (ET2200)  3  
**Lower Division Technical 21 Minimum 15 WLT credits (WLT 101 or above)
Total 27 credits  

**WLT courses.            

    WSU Logo Course planning 

The following courses are required to finish the degree requirements.  Any pathway course(s) not completed at the community college can be completed at Wayne State University. 

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Welding and Metallurgical Engineering Technology

Course Credit Hours
MAT 3430 Applied Differential and Integral Calculus 4
EET 2000 Electrical Principles 3
ET 3030 Statics 3
ET 3850 Reliability and Engineering Statistics  3
ET 3870 Engineering Economic Analysis 3
WMT 3200 Thermodynamics of Welding and Metallurgy 3
ET 5870 Engineering Project Management    3
MCT 3100 Mechanics of Materials    3
WMT 3000 Welding Quality and Safety 3
WMT 3100 Engineering Alloys 3
WMT 3451 Mechanical Metallurgy 3
WMT 3452 Physical Metallurgy 3
WMT 4453 Advanced Welding Metallurgy 3
WMT 4700 Welding Design 3
WMT 5800 Welding Automation and Robotics 3
MIT 3500 Machine Tool Laboratory   1
WMT 4600 Metallurgy of Welding Processes            3
ET 4999 Senior Design Project 3
WMT 4500 Failure Fracture Analysis 3
ET 4990 Guided Study 1
Total 57 credits

  Transfer Credit Summary IconTransfer credit summary

Transfer credit summary Credits
Wayne County Community College District transferable credits 64 credits
Required Wayne State University credits 57 credits (minimum)
Total credits required to complete bachelor's degree 121 credits (transferred or WSU)
  • WSU requires a minimum of 30 hours in residency. 
  • You can review how courses transfer using the course equivalency tool for other acceptable equivalences. 

Welding and Metallurgical Engineering Technology Scholarships

How do I get started?

  • Join Wayne State Transfer Pathways
  • Schedule a WSU Transfer Success Appointment         
  • Meet with your academic advisors and track your academic progress 


  • The pathway allows multiple associate degree options with the flexibility to customize your degree path. The minimum eligibility to participate in the Wayne State Transfer Pathways is a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), and an associate degree (earned or Reverse Transfer).  
  • All college-level (non-developmental), non-duplicated courses with a 2.0 (C) grade point average (GPA) or above will be considered for transfer credit. Earned credit will transfer as 1) direct course equivalency, 2) major/department credit, or 3) elective credit. Credits not earned at WCCCD will need to be taken at WSU.  
  • These pathways do not replace the importance of WCCCD and Wayne State academic advising. The pathway provides a general roadmap to degree completion. 

 Primary contacts

WCCCD Logo                  Wayne County Community College District
                  District Division of Student Services
                  Ms. Nanette Williams-Armstrong
                  313-496-2634 | nwillia2@wcccd.edu       


WSU Logo   Transfer Student Success Center 
   313-577-2487 | transfer@wayne.edu
   College of Engineering
   313-577-3780 | Academic Advising    

Career insights

This tool provides a broad overview of how major selection can lead to careers and is provided without any implied promise of employment. Some careers will require further education, skills, or competencies. Actual salaries may vary significantly between similar employers and could change by graduation, as could employment opportunities and job titles.