Mechanical Engineering (BS)

What is Mechanical Engineering? 

Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest and most versatile of the engineering disciplines. Students in the BSME program have abundant career opportunities, even if they choose not to pursue advanced degrees. With our emphasis on human-centered design as well as the multidisciplinary nature of the curriculum and the university-wide initiative on sustainability, Wayne State's ME program prepares graduates for evolving industry needs. 

What can I do with a Mechanical Engineering Degree? 

A mechanical engineering degree provides a solid technical foundation for careers in fields as diverse as automotive, autonomous vehicles, control and automation of manufacturing processes, nanotechnology, alternative energy, advanced materials, medical devices, aerospace, and patent law. A successful mechanical engineer is a creative problem-solver with a solid background in science and strong communication and teamwork skills. According to the United States Department of Labor, the median annual wage for mechanical engineers was $90,160 in May 2020.

 Course planning

Choose an area of study (associate degree), earn Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), and complete pathway courses. The below pathway outlines the required Jackson College courses.  Courses not taken or transferred from Jackson College can be completed at Wayne State University.

Associate Degree
Associate in Science (AS)
Associate in General Studies (AGS)
Associate in Applied Science (AAS)
Engineering Certificate (preferred) 

Earn the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)

MTA Requirement/Specific Course Credit Hours
*ENG 131 Writing Experience I (ENG 1020) 3
*ENG 132 Writing Experience II (ENG 3010) 3
*MAT 151 Calculus I (MAT2010) 4
*CEM 141 General Chemistry (CHM1100) 5
*PHY 251 Modern University Physics I (PHY2170/71) 5
Approved Social Science (see MTA) 3
Approved Social Science (see MTA) 3
Approved Humanities/Fine Arts (see MTA) 3
Approved Humanities/Fine Arts (see MTA) 3
Total 32 credits (30 minimum)

*Meets MTA requirements and/or satisfies Wayne State degree requirement (prerequisites may be required, see JC navigator). 

Complete pathway courses

Course Credit Hours
PHY 252 Modern University Physics II (PHY2180/81)  5
MAT 154 Calculus II (MAT2020) 5
MAT 251 Calculus III (MAT2030) 5
MAT 254 Differential Equations (MAT2350) 4
ENG 232 Technical & Business Writing (ENG3050) 3
Total 22 credits

  Course planning 

The following courses are required to finish the degree requirements.  Any pathway course(s) not completed at the community college can be completed at Wayne State University. 

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Mechanical Engineering 

Course Credit Hours
BE 1200 Basic Engineering I: Design 3
BE 1300 Basic Engineering II: Materials
BE 1310 Materials Science Lab 1
BE 1500 Intro to Programming and Comp  3
BE 2100 Basic Engineering III: Prob & Stats 3
ME 2410 Statics  3
ME 2500 Numerical Methods 2
ME 2420 Elementary Mechanicals of Material 3
ME 2200 Thermodynamics 3
ECE 3300 Intro to Electrical Circuits   4
ME 3300 Fluid Mechanics: Theory and Lab   4
ME 3400 Dynamics     3
ME 3450 Manufacturing Processes I   3
ME 4210 Heat Transfer: Theory and Lab  4
ME 4150 Design of Machine Elements    4
ME 4410 Vibrations: Theory and Lab   4
ENG 3060 Technical Writing II: Presentation      3
ME 4300 or 5330   4
ME 4420 Dynamic Modeling and Control     4
ME Tech Elective (ME 5XXX)   8
ME 4500 or 5500  4
PHL 1120 Professional Ethics   3
Total 76 credits

 Transfer credit summary

Transfer credit summary Credits
Jackson College transferrable credits 55-60 credits
Required Wayne State University credits 76 credits (minimum)
Total credits required to complete bachelor's degree 131 Credits (min. 123 minimum)
  • WSU requires a minimum of 30 hours in residency. 
  • You can review how courses transfer using the course equivalency tool for other acceptable equivalences. 

How do I get started?

  • Join Wayne State Transfer Pathways
  • Schedule a WSU Transfer Success Appointment         
  • Meet with your academic advisors and track your academic progress 


  • The pathway allows multiple associate degree options with the flexibility to customize your degree path. The minimum eligibility to participate in the Wayne State Transfer Pathways is a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), and an associate degree (earned or Reverse Transfer).  
  • All college-level (non-developmental), non-duplicated courses with a 2.0 (C) grade point average (GPA) or above will be considered for transfer credit.  Earned credit will transfer as 1) direct course equivalency, 2) major/department credit, or 3) elective credit. Credits not earned at the community college will need to be taken at WSU.  
  • These pathways do not replace the importance of community college and Wayne State academic advising. The pathway provides a general roadmap to degree completion. 
  • Career tool provides a broad overview of how major selection can lead to careers and is provided without any implied promise of employment. Some careers will require further education, skills, or competencies. Actual salaries may vary significantly between similar employers and could change by graduation, as could employment opportunities and job titles. 

Primary contacts

             Jackson College
             Navigator Team 
             517-796-8425 | 

       Transfer Student Success Center

Career insights

This tool provides a broad overview of how major selection can lead to careers and is provided without any implied promise of employment. Some careers will require further education, skills, or competencies. Actual salaries may vary significantly between similar employers and could change by graduation, as could employment opportunities and job titles.