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Flat-rate tuition available for winter 2024 transfer students

Students on campusStudents transferring to Wayne State for winter 2024 can review the class schedule now and plan to take advantage of the university’s new flat-rate tuition.

Under the new tuition structure, undergraduate students will pay the same price whether they register for 12 credits or 18 during any one semester.

“Research shows that students who complete at least 15 credit hours per semester perform better academically and graduate more often — and earlier — than students who take fewer credit hours per semester,” said Ahmad Ezzeddine, vice president for academic student affairs and global engagement.

Decreasing the time it takes to earn a degree lowers its cost through savings in tuition, room and board, transportation, and other expenses and reduces student loan debt. It also enables graduates to enter the workforce earlier, boosting their earning potential.

Tuition is charged on a per credit hour basis for undergraduate students taking fewer than 12 credit hours. If a student has more than 18 credits, the flat-rate tuition plus the regular per-credit-hour rate for each credit hour over 18 applies.

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