Past Grant Projects
2023 WSU Program Assessment Grant Projects
The 2023 projects are in progress. Their reports will be available in Winter 2025.
Unit | Project title and description | Collaborating colleagues |
College of Education Initial and advanced certification programs in Teacher Education and Administrative/Organizational Studies | Validity and Reliability: Improving Assessment Data Outcomes To address specialized accreditation requirements, the initial and advanced certification programs will (1) develop and implement a content validity evaluation process for rubrics and key course-based assignments used for learning outcomes assessment, (2) implement interrater reliability training on the rubrics for faculty and teacher supervisors, and (3) create videos to support onboarding and annual training. | Tami Augustine, Kathryn Roberts, Carla Harting |
College of Nursing | Assessment of a Graduate Certificate in Nursing Education (GCNE) Program To build a sustainable, more robust assessment portfolio that elicits students’ and graduate perspectives on their preparation for teaching nursing and on the quality of clinical sites, faculty will develop and implement (1) an exit survey for graduating students, (2) a post-certification exam survey, (3) revised evaluation form for preceptors and clinical sites that incorporate their program learning outcomes, and (4) data sets to certification and employment rates to compare WSU program performance with other institutions’ nursing education programs. | Sally Villaseñor, Nicole Wheeler, Leanne Nantais-Smith, Elizabeth McQuillen |
2022 WSU Program Assessment Grant Projects
For a summary of the 2022 cohort's project goals, activities, and impact, please watch their brief videos (2-15 minutes each, below) or read their final report:

assessment grant video (2:33)

assessment grant video (4:16)

assessment grant video (1:23)

assessment grant video (4:55)

grant video (14:04)
2021 WSU Program Assessment Grant Projects
For a summary of the 2021 cohort's project goals, activities, and impact, watch the grant panel video:
or read the projects' final reports:

- Plan for Assessment and Evaluation of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice within a Doctor of Pharmacy Program (Pharmacy Practice)
- BSW Capstone Assessment (Social Work)
- Impact of Schwartz's Portrait Value Questionnaire and Computer-based Assessment of Personal Characteristics scores on Physical Therapy Program Learning Outcomes: A Pilot Study to Identify at Risk Students (Doctor of Physical Therapy)
2020 WSU Program Assessment Grant Projects
For a summary of the 2020 cohort's project goals, activities, and impact, read the projects' final reports.

- Using Feedback-Informed Therapy to Strengthen Program Assessment at CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services): A Pilot Study
Un Arroz Con Pollo: Assessing Mixed and Multidisciplinary Learning Modalities in an Ethnic Studies Curriculum (Latino/a & Latin American Studies)
Bone Saw Skill Assessment in Clinical Practice (Pathologists' Assistant)
Building and Assessing DEI Knowledge in Career Services
2019 WSU Program Assessment Grant Projects
Watch the 2019 grant recipients' panel or read the projects' final reports to learn about their completed projects.

- APEX Program Assessment Using the Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS) in Higher Education
- Assessing Clinical Judgment and Critical Thinking through the Nursing Undergraduate Curriculum
- Assessing Skills Development and Knowledge Retention Among Honors College Students: Comparing Freshman-Level
Curricular Outcomes - Clicking to Assessment Success: Formative Assessment in Law
- Composition Learning Community: How LC Participation During BC and ICN Courses Impacts Students' Academic Success
2018 WSU Program Assessment Grant Projects
Watch the 2018 grant recipients' panel or read the projects' final reports to learn about their completed projects.

- Exit Survey for Chemistry Undergraduates
- Getting More Specific: Engaging Stakeholders to Move from Competencies to Learning Outcomes (Social Work)
- Who is Assessing the Assessments: Improving Student Learning Outcomes for Communication Studies
- Development and Implementation of a New Capstone Course with Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) Prior to Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences in a Pharm.D. Program
- Interprofessional Collaboration Assessment of Physical Therapy Students in their Final Clinical Experiences
- HIS 1001 Defining What It Means to "Think Historically"
- Wayne State University Writing Center Tutees: Who Uses the Center, Who Does Not, and How Does Use Impact Students' Academic Success?