About us

Group photo of diverse group of staff standing on stepsMission

Together, we are building a student success system that connects students to critical resources, anchors the WSU college experience in community and partners with students on their road to graduation. Our graduation focused framework engages students through professional success coaching, peer partners and high-touch, care-driven performance monitoring and intervention.


The Warrior 360 framework centers on the ever-evolving definition of what success means for the Wayne State University student. W360 Maximizes campus resources and formal partnerships to surround students with high-touch care. This work is heavily influenced by the idea that W360 is centrally positioned to liaise between student and service. Our continued investments in community, academic skill building, strategic support, and intervention remain central to our relationships with students. Warrior 360 aligns care-led strategies alongside our campus community which lead students to a cherished college experience, academic growth and graduation.

Contact us today

Office Location: 3325 Faculty Administration BuildingĀ 
Phone: 313-577-6360
Email: 360@wayne.edu

Meet our team.