How to read the Class Details Panel
The Class Details Panel brings together a lot of information regarding a specific section of a course. This walk-through will provide you with an explanation of each tab. Be sure to click on the underlined links for more information on that specific topic.
For instructions on how to find the Class Details panel, please see:
How to browse for classes
How to search for online classes
How to register
Class Details
Once you have found the class you are seeking, click on the title of the class to open the Class Details panel. Note the important information regarding when the class begins, the last day to drop, the last day to withdraw, and the day the class ends:
Other important dates for the term can be found on the Academic and Registration Calendar.
Instructional Method
This first tab also lists the instructional method for the course. The exact times and days will be listed on the Instructor/Meeting Times tab.
Bookstore/Other Links
This tab includes links to the WSU Bookstore, a link to past Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) scores, and any texts that might be available early through the First Day Inclusive Access program.
Course Description
The Course Description includes text from the Academic Bulletin, which is the WSU course catalog:
If a section meets a specific general education requirement or has been reserved for a specific cohort, that information is listed on this tab.
This is different from courses that need to be taken prior to this class (Prerequisites) or courses taken at the same time (Corequisites).
Restrictions are more concerned with whether you are an Undergraduate (UG) or Graduate (GR) student, or if you have earned enough credit to be considered a Junior or Senior student. Restrictions can also be used to limit registraiton to specific majors, programs, colleges, and/or departments.
This is also where you will find an indication if Department Approval is required, which may mean you have to be part of a program to register for this section.
Instructor/Meeting Times
Clicking on the name of the instructor will display their WSU AccessID email.
To view all of the required meeting times, you will need to expand all of the meeting patterns by clicking on the arrow next to the instructor's name.
For this example, COM 1010, CRN 20939 is a Hybrid section, one that requires both an in-person Class, and an Online component.
Other Types of classes:
The Enrollment tab tells you how many seats are available in a section and whether or not there is a waitlist available. Not all sections will have a waitlist, and waitlisting is only available during Priority Registration. After the first day of class for the term, waitlisting ends.
Corequisites are classes that must be taken at the same time, or the registration will not be processed. You will need Course References Numbers (CRNs) for both classes. For this example, BIO 1510 is a lecture class and it requires you to also register for the BIO 1511 lab.
The Prerequisites tab lists the requirements to qualify to take a class. You may find it easier to read the Academic Bulletin entry.
Mutual Exclusion
Info coming soon!
Cross Listed Courses
Cross listed courses meet at in the same location at the same time and day, with a portion of the seats reserved for each of the departments offering the course. Be sure to check with your academic advisor if there is a preferred version for your major.
Linked Sections
Some classes, such as BIO 2600 below, require both a lecture and a discussion or lab section. You will need to include both CRNs in your Register for Classes summary in order to register for the class.
CMF = course material fees. This is an additional charge added to the tuition of the class to cover materials used in the course.
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Registration hours are 7:00 a.m. to midnight - Eastern Time Zone
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