Retaining your Wayne State Scholarship

Merit scholarship recipients must meet GPA and credit hour completion requirements in order to maintain continued eligibility.

Annual review

Annually at the end of May, the Office of Student Financial Aid will review your academic progress to determine if you are meeting the scholarship provisions.

If you do not meet the scholarship requirements, your award will not be applied to your student account and may be canceled.

The total amount of financial aid cannot exceed the cost of attendance (student budget). To prevent/eliminate over awards, WSU may limit institutional grant and scholarship amounts.

Appeal process

You may submit a Scholarship Appeal form to the Financial Aid Office.

Reinstatement will be considered if there are extenuating circumstances that have affected your academic performance (GPA) or the completion of the required number of credit hours during the academic year.

Email if you have questions about your eligibility.

WSU merit scholarship appeal and deferment request forms

WSU Merit Scholarship Appeal Forms

WSU Merit Scholarship Deferment Request Forms