Frequently asked questions
What is the difference between graduation and commencement?
Graduation is completing your degree requirements and earning your diploma; commencement is the celebration of graduation. Attending commencement is not required — but we encourage you to celebrate this milestone!
Walking in commencement does not mean that you have completed your degree requirements or that you will receive your diploma. Please verify with both your major advisor in your department and/or your general academic advisor to be certain you have completed all your degree requirements.
For additional information, please visit the Office of the Registrar.
How do I check my academic status?
Review your STARS degree audit in Academica, and contact your academic advisor if you are unsure whether all of your requirements have been met or if you have any questions.
How do I get commencement tickets?
Students should have received an email from with a link to create a username and password. Once they created their account they were asked to fill out a form, and select up to 4 tickets. After submitting the form, it takes them directly to their tickets.
If a student filled out the form but does not know how to access their tickets, they need to log into their account, click “Manage Tickets” and from there they can print/email their tickets.
If a student did not fill out the form, they must register as a new user, and from here, they can collect their tickets.
If a student has any questions or any trouble collecting their tickets please contact the Commencement Office at or call 313-577-0300.
Are there any extra tickets?
No extra tickets are available at this time due to capacity and safety. If there are extra tickets, you will receive an email closer to the ceremony date.
Do I need a ticket as the graduate?
No, students do not need a ticket. They will receive a “ticket” when they check in the day of the ceremony.
Can I buy a ticket?
No, the selling of commencement tickets and/or the reproduction of commencement tickets is prohibited. Students who allegedly participate in this behavior may have conduct charges brought against them under the Wayne State University Student Code of Conduct for violation of Section 4.2 Forgery, unauthorized alteration, or unauthorized use of any University document or instrument of identification.
Who do I contact if I have questions regarding my degree application or my diploma?
For questions regarding degree applications or diploma status, contact your advisor or the Office of the Registrar at
For questions concerning academic status, contact your advisor in your college or school. The Office of University Commencement does not have access to your records.
Where and when can I order my regalia?
For questions regarding caps and gowns, announcements, rings, or diploma frames, please contact the WSU Bookstore at 313-577-2436.
Graduates that apply late will need to get their advisors approval and have them submit a form if they are added late and are able to participate in Commencement.
Pricing information
- Bachelor Package (Cap, Gown, Tassel) - $80.98
- Master Package (Cap, Gown, Tassel, Hood) - $136.96
- Non-Ph.D./Ed.D. Doctoral Package (Tam, Gown, Tassel, Hood) - $254.94
- Ph.D./Ed.D. Rental Package (Rental Hood & Gown, Keeper Tam) - $225
How can I purchase a diploma frame, order announcements or buy a class ring?
Diploma frames may be purchased at the WSU Bookstore. Announcements and class rings may be ordered from Herff Jones and Jostens, the official university vendors. Please visit Herff Jones and Jostens for additional information.
Can I purchase a commemorative commencement T-shirt listing the names of graduates on the back?
You can purchase a commemorative T-shirt listing graduates' names. The Commencement Group strongly encourages everyone to take advantage of its online preorder service. The Commencement Group will be at the Wayne State Fieldhouse on commencement days and will have a contact-free customer experience for those who are picking up their pre-purchased and reserved product.
Where can I park?
Parking will be at the Fieldhouse in Lot #50 or Parking Structure 2. As a reminder, parking on private property not owned by Wayne State is strictly prohibited and is subject to enforcement measures, including ticketing and towing at the owner's expense.
I have a high GPA. Should I wear something to designate this accomplishment at commencement?
Students with high GPAs in their major department do not wear special regalia (e.g., cords or stoles) at commencement. This is called "graduation with distinction," and it is bestowed upon undergraduate students who graduate in the top 20% of their college based on GPA. Your accomplishment is noted on your transcript — as summa cum laude, magna cum laude or cum laude — and in the commencement program booklet. For more information, please refer to the Board of Governors statute 2.43.61.
You also can contact your academic department through your major advisor for additional information.
What time do I show up?
Students are asked to please show up to Matthaei Physical Education Center one hour before the start of their ceremony time. Doors to the Wayne State Fieldhouse open 90 minutes before the ceremony starts. If a guest or a student needs special accommodations, please have them contact the Commencement Office at or 313-577-0300.
Is there free parking for graduation?
Yes, parking is complimentary in Lot 50 or Structure 2.
Will the commencement ceremonies be livestreamed?
Yes, the ceremonies will be livestreamed at
What if I have a question that is not addressed here?
Please check your WSU email for correspondence and messages from the Office of University Commencement. For questions regarding the commencement ceremonies, please call the Commencement Office at 313-577-0300 or email