
In September 2014, the Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campus Implementation Committee was formed.

Committee charge: To carry out the recommendations made by the Smoke-free Campus Task Force and coordinate the implementation of Wayne State University’s smoke- and tobacco-free policy.

Committee members:

  • Rohit Anand, student, vice president, Student Senate
  • Jeanine Bessette, director, Housing & Residential Life
  • Brett Green, senior director, Total Compensation & Wellness (committee co-chair)
  • Joseph Rankin, associate provost and associate vice president for Undergraduate Affairs, Office of the Provost
  • Erinn Rooks, project manager, Facilities Planning and Management
  • Madhu Sanam, student, director of governmental affairs, Student Senate
  • Naida Simon, extension program coordinator, Office of the Provost and Academic Senate representative
  • Lisa Shrader, deputy chief of staff, President’s Office (committee co-chair)
  • Kelvin Thomas, lieutenant, Public Safety
  • Rasheda Williams, information officer, Marketing and Communications

Individuals in bold are members of both the Task Force and the Implementation Committee.