(DRAFT) Global Studies

What is Global Studies? 

Global studies is the interdisciplinary study of how contemporary issues affect people across the globe. Those involved in global studies analyze the interconnectedness of anthropology, culture, economics, ethnography, law, politics and more to determine how and why major problems arise.

These professionals utilize many forms of available media to raise awareness about global challenges. Working to facilitate cross-cultural understanding, informed decision-making and policy development, global studies experts often operate in travel-oriented or related diverse positions.

What can I do with a Global Studies Degree? 

Whether working in your home country or traveling abroad to improve international relations, the cross-cultural lenses you develop as a global studies major are valuable across all industries. For-profit businesses, nonprofits and government agencies constantly seek talented communicators, meaning you have ample opportunities to find your niche.

    Schoolcraft College Course planning

Choose an area of study (associate degree), earn Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), and complete pathway courses. The below pathway outlines the required Schoolcraft College courses. Courses not taken or transferred from Schoolcraft College can be completed at Wayne State University.

Choose an area of study

Associate Degree
Associate in Arts (AA)
Associate in General Studies (AGS)
Global Endorsement Certificate 

Earn the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)

MTA Requirement/Specific Course Credit Hours Notes
*ENG 101 English Composition I (ENG 1020) 3  
*ENG 102 English Composition II (ENG 3010) 3  
Approved Mathematics (see MTA)     3-4  
Approved Natural Science (see MTA) 3-4  
Approved Natural Science with lab (see MTA)   4-5  
*ANTH 211, ANTH 214, or GEOG 133 (ANT 2XXX or GPH 1100) 3-4  
*POLS 207 or POLS 209 (PS 2710 or PS 2810) 3 Second Social Science must be from a different discipline
*Foreign Language (ARB 101, CHIN 101, FR 101, GER 101, ITAL 101 or SPAN 101) 4 1 of 2 required foreign language proficiency
*COMA 240, or HIST 138 (COM 2300 or HIS1400)  3  
Total 30-33 credits min.  

*Meets MTA requirements and satisfies Wayne State degree requirements or Schoolcraft College Global Endorsement (prerequisites may be required, see Schoolcraft advisor).

Complete pathway courses

Course Credit Hours Notes
*Foreign Language (ARB 102, CHIN 102, FR 102, GER 102, ITAL 102 or SPAN 102) 4 2 of 2 required foreign language proficiency, same language
Total      4 credits  

Additional Language Courses

If studying Arabic, French, German, or Spanish you may complete additional language courses at Schoolcraft College*

Course Credit Hours Notes
Select one: ARB, FR, GER, SPAN 201  4 ARB, FRE, GER, SPA 2010
Select one: ARB, FR, GER, SPAN 202  4 ARB, FRE, GER 2020, SPA 2025
Total      8 credits  

     Course planning 

The following courses are required to finish the degree requirements. Any pathway course(s) not completed at the community college can be completed at Wayne State University. 

Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies

Course Credit Hours Notes
Select a minimum of three courses beyond 2010 in the same language sequence or complete a three-semester basic language sequence in a second language 1 5-9 Five credits if Additional Language Courses (ARB, FRE, GER, or SPA) are completed.
Select three (3) courses: 9  
     GLS 2700 Intro to Global Stories    
     GLS 2800 Intro to Global Issues    
     GLS 2900 Intercultural Competence for a Global World    
     GLS 3700 Globalization: Theories, Practices Implications    
Global experience 2 or direct study 3  
Focus areas   6-15 Global Endorsement certificate - see advisor
Language minor (credits earned beyond 2010 may be used to satisfy minor; other minors available but may require additional credits) 14-24  
Electives -see Wayne State advisor 0-8  
Total      45-60 credits  

1For language courses, please see languages offered in Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Students must receive a passing grade (C) in their language courses for them to count toward the GLS major.

2The global experience allows you to live, study, or work in a global location or with a globally engaged organization, including internships, study abroad, and fieldwork.

  Transfer credit summary

Transfer credit summary Credits
Schoolcraft College transferrable credits 60-75 credits

Required Wayne State University Major, Minor, Elective credits

45-60 credits 

Total credits required to complete bachelor's degree 120 credits (transferred or WSU)
  • WSU requires a minimum of 30 hours in residency. 
  • You can review how courses transfer using the course equivalency tool for other acceptable equivalences. 

How do I get started?

  • Join Wayne State Transfer Pathways
  • Schedule a WSU Transfer Success Appointment         
  • Meet with your academic advisors and track your academic progress 

Study Abroad

Study abroad is an investment in your future and requires planning in order to make the most of your experience. Now that you have decided that you would like to study abroad, follow these steps to properly prepare for the experience.  To learn the basics meet with a study abroad advisor, speak with a faculty leader, or browse the study abroad program directory to find answers to your initial questions.  You can schedule an appointment to meet with an advisor by sending an email to studyabroad@wayne.edu, or calling 313-577-3207.

Program finder: https://abroad.wayne.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ListAll&type=6

Wayne State electives and degree enhancements

Consider electives as additional opportunities for you to gain marketable skills like critical thinking, leadership, and communication. These skills build a strong foundation for long-term career success. Defined broadly, career learning includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Interdisciplinary project-based learning and field work
  • Internships, micro-externships, and co-ops
  • Global experiences/education abroad
  • Community service learning
  • Team-based solutions, oriented experiences
  • Research in the field and in lab settings
  • Alumni and professional mentoring, job shadowing and other developmental experiences
  • Entrepreneurship and other business development opportunities


  • The pathway allows multiple associate degree options with the flexibility to customize your degree path. The minimum eligibility to participate in the Wayne State Transfer Pathways is a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), and an associate degree (earned or Reverse Transfer).  
  • All college-level (non-developmental), non-duplicated courses with a 2.0 (C) grade point average (GPA) or above will be considered for transfer credit.  Earned credit will transfer as 1) direct course equivalency, 2) major/department credit, or 3) elective credit. Credits not earned at the community college will need to be taken at WSU.  
  • These pathways do not replace the importance of community college and Wayne State academic advising. The pathway provides a general roadmap to degree completion. 

Primary contacts

  Schoolcraft College   Schoolcraft College
     Academic Advising
     734-462-4429 | eadvise@schoolcraft.edu


Transfer Student Success Center