Registration Statuses in STARS 2.0

When looking at a student's Courses in STARS 2.0, the default setting displays all of the student's registration history.

Registration Status

The Reg Status column shows whether the class has been Registered (RE or RR), Drop & Delete (DD), Drop 100% Tuition & Fee Cancel (DP), Cancelled (CC), etc. 

Reg Status Description Notes
AU Audit Must be manually entered by Registration Staff; appears as "Z" grade
CC Cancelled Course Appears when a class is cancelled by the Scheduling unit.
DD Drop & Delete Removes classes dropped from Priority Registration until the start of the term.
DP Drop 100% Tuit & Fee Cancel Appears from start of term through last day for tuition cancellation.
DX Drop Exception Used internally by the Exceptions and Special Programs Unit
PC Processing Correction Used internally as a placeholder when an override or additional permission to regsiter is required.
RE **Registered** Successful enrollment into a section
RR Register-Readd Used after the start of the term when a student wants to change a DP to an RE
W Withdrawn Entered when a student submits a withdrawal request via Academica; no approval required
WL Waitlist Waitlists end on the first day of the term and all WL registrations are deleted


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