Do-Hong Kim (hg1601)

University information

Title: Professor
Unit: Administration & Organization Stud
Department: College of Education

Contact information

College of Education

Degrees and Certifications:

Ph.D. Educational Psychology and Research, College of Education, University of South Carolina

Phone: 313-577-6728

Support graduate programs in the College of Education through teaching and research in the areas of research methodology, statistics, evaluation, and measurement.

Title: Professor of Educational Evaluation and Research
Office Hours:

 By appointment

Office Location:

 381 Education Building

Area of Expertise:

research design, program evaluation, psychometric and quantitative methods

Research Interests:

Assessment of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
Educational and psychological assessment and measurement, with a focus on validity issues.
Program evaluation


North Carolina Association for Research in Education (NCARE) Distinguished Paper Award (2013). Paper presented at the 2014 American Association for Educational Research Conference in Philadelphia, PA, as part of the AERA distinguished paper series.

College of Education Award for Excellence in Research, UNC Charlotte (2008)


Matter of Equity 2.0: Closing the Excellence Gap in Southeast Michigan. PI on subaward from Eastern Michigan University, from grant "Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program", Prime sponsor: U.S. Department of Education, 2022-2027. 

Data Analytics in Educational Evaluation and Research (PI). WSU Tenured Faculty Professional Development Program, 2021.

A Matter of Equity (MOE): Gifted and Talented Research and Evaluation within Detroit Public Schools Community District (PI). The Roeper Institute, 2021.

Early Language and Literacy Mini-Grant: Pre-K Teachers Research Project. (Co-PI) The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, Georgia, 2018-2019.

Early Language and Literacy Mini-Grant: Child Development Grant. (Co-PI) The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, Georgia, 2018-2019.

Evaluation of the Implementation of a Formative Assessment System in North Carolina Kindergarten Classrooms. (Co-PI) North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2014-2017

Increasing Enrollment and Retention in the College of Engineering Using a Multi-Disciplinary Motorsports Theme. (External evaluator) National Science Foundation, 2009-2010.



Kim, D.-H., Wang, C., & Teng, F. (2021, April). Validation of scales to measure anxiety in English learning and perceived social support amid COVID-19 [Roundtable session]. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association

Barker, K., Kim, D.-H., & Murray-Pendergraft, B. (2021, April). Pre-kindergarten teachers’ experiences with professional learning in a school-university partnership: A mixed-methods study [Roundtable session]. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association

Barker, K., Murray-Pendergraft, B., Kim, D.-H., & Cruz, S. (2019, February). What’s pre-k got to do with It?: Developing a university partnership to support early learning. Roundtable session presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Atlanta, GA.

Kim, D.-H. & Lambert, R. G. (2018, April). A mixture IRT Model of a statewide kindergarten entry formative assessment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, New York, NY.

Kim, D.-H., Wang, C., & Jiang, C. (2017, April). Investigation of the psychometric properties of the National Higher Education Entrance Examination in China. Roundtable session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.

Kim, D.-H., Wang, C., & Jiang, C. (2016, April). A mixture IRT model of a mathematics problem-solving test on speed. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.

Kim, D.-H. (2015, June). Bias, fairness, and validity: Insights from measurement invariance studies. Invited paper presented at the international conference of the Chinese American Educational Research & Development Association, Taichung, Taiwan.

Kim, D.-H., Lambert, R., & Burts, D. C. (2014, April). Validation of the multilevel factor structure of a teacher observational assessment measure for young children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.



Lee, O. E., Kim, D.-H., Lee, H., & Beum, K.A. (2022). Information communication technology use to improve eHealth literacy, technophobia, and social connection among community dwelling older adults. Educational Gerontology, 48(10), 445-457. 

Barker, K., Kim, D.-H., & Murray-Pendergraft, B. (2022). “It felt good to be included”: A mixed-methods study of pre-kindergarten teachers’ experiences with professional learning. Early Childhood Education Journal. 50(4), 593–604

Kim, D.-H., Wang, C., & Truong, T.N.N. (2021). Psychometric properties of a self-efficacy scale for English language learners in Vietnam. Language Teaching Research.

Jiang, C., Kim, D.-H., Wang, C. (2021). 数学问题解决的行程问题测试与学生的解题策略分析: 混合项目反应理论模型 [A mathematical problem-solving test on speed and students’ strategies: A mixture IRT model]. Chinese/English Journal of Educational Measurement and Evaluation, 2(3).

Kim, D.-H., Wang, C., Sun, T., & Liu, L. (2021). Measuring English language self-efficacy: Psychometric properties and use. English Literature and Language Review, 7(1), 15-23.

Chen, X., Wang, C., & Kim, D.-H. (2020). Self-regulated learning strategy profiles among English as a foreign language learners. TESOL Quarterly, 54 (1), 234-251.

Lee, O., Kim, D.-H., & Beum, K. A. (2020). Factors affecting information and communication technology use and eHealth literacy among older adults in the US and South Korea. Educational Gerontology, 46 (9), 575-586.

Wang, C., Kolano, L., & Kim, D.-H. (Eds.) (2019). Educational practices in China, Korea and the United States: Reflections from a study abroad experience. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Kim, D. -H., Lambert, R. G., Durham, S., & Burts, D. (2018). Examining the validity of GOLD® with four year-old dual language learners. Early Education and Development, 29, 477-493.

Kim, D.-H., Lambert, R., & Burts, D. C. (2018). Are young dual language learners homogeneous? Identifying subgroups using latent class analysis. The Journal of Educational Research, 111, 43-57.

Jiang, C., Kim, D.-H., & Wang, C. (2018). Psychometric properties of an instrument to measure word problem solving skills in mathematics. Journal of Applied Measurement, 19, 283-302.

Lambert, R. G., Kim, D.-H., Durham, S., & Burts, D. C. (2017). Differentiated rates of growth across latent classes of preschool dual language learners. Bilingual Research Journal, 40, 81-101.

Kim, D.-H., Wang, C., Ahn, H. S., & Bong, M (2015). English language learners’ self-efficacy profiles and relationship with self-regulated learning strategies. Learning and Individual Differences, 38, 136-142.

Kim, D.-H., Lambert, R., & Burts, D. C. (2014). Validating a developmental scale for young children using the Rasch model: Applicability of the Teaching Strategies GOLD® assessment system. Journal of Applied Measurement, 15(4), 405-421.

Do-Hong Kim

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