Amanda Miller (hf7098)

University information

Title: Assistant Professor
Unit: Teacher Education
Department: College of Education

Contact information

College of Education

Degrees and Certifications:
  • 2019 Ph.D., Special Education, ACCESS Scholar, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
  • 2007 M.Ed., Special Education, SKIES Scholar, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
  • 2000 B.A., Elementary Education, Life Science Concentration, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN
Phone: 313-577-6724

I am an assistant professor and critical educator in the Teacher Education Division. I engage in research, teaching, and service related to equity, justice, and access in education.

Title: Assistant Professor of Special Education; Affiliated Faculty Michigan Developmental Disabilities Institute (MI-DDI)
Office Hours:

Office hours: By appointment

Office Location:

Office location: 285 Education Building

Area of Expertise:
  • Critical, Participatory Qualitative Inquiry
  • Youth Perspectives
  • Accessible Inclusive Education (K-12)
  • Family-School-Community Partnerships
Research Interests:
  • How do institutions respond to difference in ways that impact multiply-marginalized youth, particularly girls of color with complex support needs in middle and high school?
  • How do current and future teachers cultivate pedagogy grounded in educational equity, justice, and liberation for multiply-marginalized youth with complex support needs?
  • How are trusting, reciprocal, and transformative family-school-community partnerships with multiply-marginalized families developed and maintained?


  • 2023 Nominated, Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program, Carnegie Corporation of New York, New York City, NY
  • 2023 Nominated, Early Career Researchers Award, TASH, Washington, D.C.
  • 2023 Awarded, Faculty Community Engagement Scholarship Award, College of Education, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
  • 2023 Awarded, Faculty Research Innovation Award, College of Education, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
  • 2022 Nominated, Wayne State University Academy of Scholars’ Junior Faculty Award, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
  • 2022 Nominated, College of Education Faculty Scholarship Award, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
  • 2022 Nominated, Innovations in Research on Equity and Social Justice in Teacher Education Award, Division K, American Educational Research Association
  • 2020 Awarded, Dissertation of the Year, School of Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
  • 2020 Awarded, Outstanding Dissertation Award, Disability Studies in Education Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association 




2023 – 2024 Co-Principal Investigator. Co-designing disability-centered culturally sustaining pedagogies with community activists and youth scholars. San José State University Multi-Institutional Level Up Grant. ($30,000). Saili Kulkarni, PI; Emily Nusbaum, Co-PI.

Summer/Fall 2023 Co-Principal Investigator. CyCLE: Collaboratively co-designed literacy experiences. OVPR and College of Education. ($8,000). Christine Hancock, PI; Poonam Arya, Co-PI.

2022 – 2023 Co-Principal Investigator. CyCLE: Collaboratively co-designed literacy experiences. Wayne State University Social Sciences Research Support Program 2022 – OVPR. ($10,000). Christine Hancock, PI; Poonam Arya, Co-PI.

2022 – 2023 Principal Investigator. Project REIMAGINE: Centering the experiences of girls of color with intellectual and developmental disabilities in redesigning and reconstructing educational systems. Wayne State University – University Research Grant Program 2021. ($10,000).

Winter 2022 Principal Investigator. (Re)imagining teacher preparation during a global pandemic using disability-centered culturally sustaining pedagogies. Funded by Michigan Developmental Disabilities Institute (Administration for Community Living – US HHS), Detroit, MI. ($25,000). Saili Kulkarni, Co-PI; Emily Nusbaum, Co-PI.

2021 – 2022 Principal Investigator. In search of freedom, equity, and justice: Black girls dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline. Funded by Dismantling the School-to-Prison-Pipeline (DSTOPP) in Detroit Spencer Research-Practice Partnership Grant, Detroit, MI. ($24,600). Ajya Wilson, Youth Researcher; Heaven Bradley, Youth Researcher; Aja Reynolds, Co-PI; Erica Edwards, Collaborator.



Miller, A. L. (2024, April). Using sociospatial methods for critical reflection and transformation with general education and special education teachers. Paper presentation at the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

Mansouri M. C., & Miller, A. L. (2023, November). Contextual considerations: Teachers’ strategies for supporting inclusive practices for students with complex support needs. Paper presentation at the 2023 DADD Annual Conference. Honolulu, HI.

Mansouri M. C., Miller, A. L., Kurth, J. A., & Morningstar, M. E. (2023, November). Promoting inclusive practices: Insights from teacher candidates' agentic moves. Paper presentation at the 2023 TASH Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.

Mansouri M. C., Kurth, J. A., & Miller, A. L. (2023, November). Equitable access for all: A comprehensive guide to addressing text complexity of grade-level content. Paper presentation at the 2023 TASH Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.

Kulkarni, S., Miller, A. L., Nusbaum, E. A., Pearson, H., & Brown, L. X. Z. (2023, April). Toward disability-centered culturally sustaining pedagogies in teacher education. AERA 2023 symposium presentation Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education on Challenging Dysconscious Ableism (Organizers: Molly Siuty & Margaret Beneke).

Miller, A. L., Mansouri, M. K., Ruhter, L. C., Andreoli, M., Kurth, J. A., & Morningstar, M. E. (2023, April). How the interconnectedness of systemic ableism and teacher candidates’ agentic moves shape inclusive education. AERA 2023 paper presentation Disability Studies in Education Special Interest Group.

Miller, A. L., Nusbaum, E. A., & Kulkarni, S. (2023, April). (Re)centering knowledge: Teacher candidates learning from disabled activists and community scholars of color. AERA 2023 paper presentation Division K: In-Service Teacher Knowledge and Learning.

Wilson, A. L., Bradley, H. L., Reynolds, A., D., Edwards, E. B., & Miller, A. L. (2023, April). Black girl led research: Centering Black girls in transforming schools. AERA 2023 paper presentation Critical Educators for Social Justice Special Interest Group.

Wilson, A. L., Bradley, H. L., Reynolds, A., D., Edwards, E. B., & Miller, A. L. (2022, May). Black girls shape the research world. Paper presentation at the 2022 International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Annual Meeting.

Miller, A. L. (2022, April). Beyond talk: Reimagining education for disabled girls of color through an intersectional discursive lens. Paper presentation at the 2022 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.

Miller, A. L., & Pearson, H. (2022, April). The methodological possibilities of photovoice and mapping grounded in an intersectional sociospatial lens. Division G symposium presentation at the 2022 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.


Miller, A. L., Best, M., & Nellis, T. (2023, November). Collaborating with people with disabilities in research and teaching. Invited panel presentation at the 2023 TASH Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.

Kulkarni, S. S., Miller, A. L., & Nusbaum, E. A. (2022, April). (Re)imagining teacher preparation during a global pandemic using disability-centered culturally sustaining pedagogies. Invited speaker session for Division K at the 2022 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.


Miller, A. L. (2024, April). Access is justice: A call for intentional and expansive conference access. Symposium Discussant for Disability Studies in Education Special Interest Group at the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.



Miller, A. L. (2024). Intersectionality in U.S. educational research: Visibilizing the historically excluded and under-recognized experiences of disabled girls of color. Educational Review special issue titled “A re-view of educational inequalities,” 76(1), 166-180.

Brown, L. X. Z., Dickens, B., Gray-Garcia, T., Kulkarni, S. S., McLeod, L., Miller, A. L., Nusbaum, E. A., & Pearson, H. (2023). (Re)centering the knowledge of disabled activists, poverty scholars, and community scholars of color to transform education. Disability Studies Quarterly special issue titled “Origins, objects, orientations: Towards a racial history of disability,” 43(1), 

Kulkarni, S. S., Miller, A. L., Nusbaum, E. A., Pearson, H., & Brown, L. X. Z. (2023). Toward disability-centered, culturally sustaining pedagogies in teacher education. Critical Studies in Education, 65(2), 107-127.

Miller, A. L. (2023). Disabled girls of color excavate exclusionary literacy practices and generate promising sociospatial-textual solutions. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education special issue titled “Teaching for inclusion: Complexifying practice with critical disability studies,” 36(2), 247-270.

Miller, A. L. (2022). Reconceptualizing education grounded in the multimodal discourses of girls of color labeled with significant cognitive disabilities. Special section titled “Diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 47(3), 158-175.

Miller, A. L., & Chun, M. (2022). Perspectives of college students labeled with intellectual disability on the moving in and through phases of transition. Disability Studies Quarterly, 42(1),

Miller, A. L., Frye, D., Green, T., Mitchell, C., Garcia, G., Huereña, J., Moore, T., & Turnage, V. (2022). (Re)defining their place at the table: Frank discussions by adults with disabilities on contemporary self-advocacy. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 35(3), 777-788.

Miller, A. L., & Kurth, J. A. (2022). Photovoice research with disabled girls of color: Exposing how schools (re)produce inequities through school geographies and learning tools. Disability & Society, 37(8), 1362-1390.


Miller, A. L. (accepted April 2024). Youth participatory action research. Invited chapter in G. Bennett & E. Goodall (Eds.), The Palgrave encyclopedia of disability. Palgrave Macmillan.

Miller, A. L., & Kurth, J. A. (accepted February 2024). Photovoice and cartography as activist tools: Mining for solutions with disabled girls of color in one U.S. high school. Invited chapter in C. Vanner (Ed.), Activism networks by, for, and with girls and young women. Berghahn Books.

Mostafa-Shoukry, R., & Miller, A. L. (accepted July 2023). Disability justice and education in U.S. contexts. Invited chapter for Encyclopedia of social justice in education (sub-section focused on Political and Social Movements). Bloomsbury Publishers.

Miller, A. L. (accepted January 2022). Girls of color with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Invited chapter for Encyclopedia of social justice in education (sub-section focused on Bodies and Abilities). Bloomsbury Publishers.

Pearson, H. & Miller, A. L. (in press September 2022). Critical disability studies and critical spatial studies as method. In Pasque, P. A. (Section Ed.). Critical qualitative research and social justice. In J. Salvo & J. Ulmer (Eds.), Routledge resources online (formerly: Routledge encyclopedia of qualitative methods). Routledge. [Invited and Peer Reviewed]

Miller, A. L. (2024). Excavating solutions to sociospatial-textual injustices with girls of color with disabilities in middle school and high school in the United States. In K. Bishop & K. Dimoulias (Eds.), The Routledge handbook on the influence of built environments on diverse childhoods (pp. 255-272). Routledge.

Miller, A. L., Stinson, C., & Timberlake, M. T. (2023). Grappling with the tensions: Cultivating justice-oriented praxis through collaborative autoethnographic poetry. In D. I. Hernández-Saca, C. Kramarczuk Voulgarides, & H. Pearson (Eds.), Understanding the boundaries between disability studies and special education through consilience, self-study, and radical love (pp. 235-259). Lexington Books.

Miller, A. L., Nyegenye, S. N, & Mostafa-Shoukry, F. R. (2022). Disrupting dominant modes of expression: Illuminating the strengths and gifts of two disabled girls of color. In S. A. Annamma, B. A. Ferri, & D. J. Connor (Eds.), DisCrit expanded: Inquiries, reverberations & ruptures (pp. 45-61). Teachers College Press.

Additional courses taught:

Winter 2024

SED 6060 - Teaching Students with Movement and Sensory Differences 

Amanda Miller

Courses taught by Amanda Miller

Fall Term 2024 (future)

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

Fall Term 2022

Spring-Summer Term 2022

Winter Term 2022

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