Md Hafiz Uddin (gn1131)

University information

Title: Assistant Professor - Research
Unit: Oncology
Department: School of Medicine

Contact information

Karmanos Cancer Institute
4100 John R., HW07HO
HWCRC - 732
Detroit, 48201


Position Title:

Assistant Professor - Research
Basic Science

Office Location:

Karmanos Cancer Institute
4100 John R
Detroit, MI 48201

Mailing Address:

Karmanos Cancer Institute
4100 John R.
Mail Code: HW07AO
Detroit, MI 48201

Office Phone:


Office Fax: 313-576-8389
Education Training:

(2009 - 2013) PhD, Medical Science (Mechanism of oncogenesis), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
(2003 - 2005) MS, Zoology (Parasitology), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
(1996 - 2003) BSc, Zoology (Parasitology), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Postgraduate Training
(2017 - 2020) Postdoctoral Fellow, Wayne State University, Department of Oncology, Detroit, MI
(2016 - 2017) Postdoctoral Fellow, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI
(2013 - 2016) Postdoctoral Fellow, Adult Stem Cell Research Center/ Cancer Research Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.

Professional Experience:

Faculty Appointments
(2022 - Present) Assistant Professor - Research, Department of Oncology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

Other Professional Appointments
(2020 - 2022) Research Scientist, Department of Oncology, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

Major Professional Societies:

(2015 - Present) American Association of Cancer Research (AACR)
(2009 - Present) The Korean Society for Parasitology (KSP)
(1997 - Present) Zoological Society of Bangladesh (ZSB)


Original Observations

  1. Khan HY, Uddin MH, Sulaiman N, Iqbal M, Mahmoud Chaker M, Aboukameel A, Li Y, Senapedis W, Baloglu E, Mohammad RM, Zonder J, Azmi AS and Balasubramanian SK. 2021. PAK4 and NAMPT as novel therapeutic targets in Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma, Follicular Lymphoma, and Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Cancers (Basel). In press.
  2. Uddin MH, Li Y, Khan HY, Muqbil I, Aboukameel A, Sexton RE, Reddy S, Landesman Y, Kashyap T, Azmi AS, Heath, EI. 2021. Nuclear Export Inhibitor KPT-8602 Synergizes with PARP Inhibitors in Escalating Apoptosis in Castration Resistant Cancer Cells. Int J Mol Sci. PMID: 34206543.
  3. Nagasaka M, Asad MFB, Al Hallak MN, Uddin MH, Sukari A, Baca Y, Xiu J, Magee D, Mamdani H, Uprety D, Kim C, Xia B, Liu SV, Nieva JJ, Lopes G, Bepler G, Borghaei H, Demeure MJ, Raez LE, Ma PC, Puri S, Korn WM, Azmi AS. 2021. Impact of XPO1 mutations on survival outcomes in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Lung Cancer. Aug 27;160:92-98. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2021.08.010. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34482103.
  4. Mpilla GB, Uddin MH, Al-Hallak MN, Aboukameel A, Li Y, Kim SH, Beydoun R, Dyson G, Baloglu E, Senapedis WT, Landesman Y, Wagner KU, Viola NT, El-Rayes BF, Philip PA, Mohammad RM, Azmi AS. 2021. PAK4NAMPT Dual Inhibition Sensitizes Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors to Everolimus. Mol Cancer Ther. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163. PMID: 34253597.
  5. Uddin MH, Kim B, Jo U, Azmi AS, Song YS. 2020. Association of ALDH1A1 in cisplatin resistance via modulation of NEK2 in ovarian cancer stem-like cells. Heliyon. 6(11):e05442. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05442. PMID: 33241139.
  6. Uddin MH, Pimentel JM, Chatterji M, Allen J, Zhuang Z and Wu GS. 2020. Targeting PP2A inhibits the growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells. Cell Cycle. DOI: 10.1080/15384101.2020.1723195 (published online: 03 Feb. 2020).
  7. Kho DH, Uddin MH, Chatterji M, Vogt A, Raj A and Wu GS. 2019. GP78 Cooperates with Dual-Specificity Phosphatase 1 To Stimulate Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Mediated Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Signaling. Mol Cell Biol. 14;39(11). pii: e00485-18.
  8. Woo HS, Han JK*, Kim JH, Hong ST, Uddin MH, Jang JJ. 2017. In-vivo Monitoring of Development of Cholangiocarcinoma induced with C. sinensis and N-Nitrosodimethylamine in Syrian Golden Hamsters Using Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Eur Radiol. 27:1740-1747.
  9. Uddin MH, Shunyu Li, Yan J, Choi MH, Jang JJ and Hong ST. 2016. C3H/He Mice as a Model of Cholangiocarcinoma by Clonorchis sinensis, Dicyclanil and N-Nitrosodimethylamine. Korean J Parasitol. 54:281289.
  10. Choi SW, Shin TH, Uddin MH, Shin JH, Kang TW, Kim HS, Seo Y, Shams S, Jung YK, Kang KS. 2016. STBHO, a novel mica fine particle, inhibits the teratoma-forming ability of human embryonic stem cells after in vivo transplantation. Oncotarget. 7:2684-2695.
  11. Uddin MH, Choi MH, Kim WH, Jang JJ, Hong ST. 2015. Involvement of PSMD10, CDK4, and Tumor Suppressors in Development of Cholangiocarcinoma of Syrian Golden Hamsters Induced by Clonorchis sinensis and N-Nitrosodimethylamine. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 9: e0004008.
  12. Hong YH, Uddin MH, Jo U, Kim B, Song J, Suh DH, Kim HS, Song YS. 2015. ROS accumulation by PEITC selectively kills ovarian cancer cells via UPR-mediated apoptosis. Front Oncol. 5:167.
  13. Jahid IK, Hasan MM, Abdul Matin M, Mahmud ZH, Neogi SB, Uddin MH, Islam MS. 2013. Role of polyphosphate kinase gene (ppk) for survival of Vibrio cholerae O1 in surface water of Bangladesh. Pak J Biol Sci. 16: 1531-7.
  14. Uddin MH, Li S, Bae YM, Choi MH, Hong ST. 2012. Strain variation in the susceptibility and immune response to Clonorchis sinensis infection in mice. Parasitol Int. 61:118-23.
  15. Uddin MH, Li S, Bae YM, Choi MH, Hong ST. 2012. In vitro maintenance of Clonorchis sinensis adult worms. Korean J Parasitol. 50: 309-315.
  16. Uddin MH, Bae YM, Choi MH, Hong ST. 2012. Production and deformation of Clonorchis sinensis egg during in vitro maintenance. PLoS ONE. 7: e52676.
  17. Khanum H, Khanam SS, Sultana M, Uddin MH, Dhar RC, Islam MS. 2012. Protozoan parasites in a wastewater treatment plant of Bangladesh. Univ J Zool. 31: 5-8.
  18. Islam MS, Mahmud ZH, Uddin MH, Islam K, Yunus M, Islam MS, Nair GB, Endtz HP, Sack DA. 2011. Purification of household water using a novel mixture reduces diarrhoeal disease in Matlab, Bangladesh. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 105:341-5.
  19. Khanum H, Khanam SS, Sultana M, Uddin MH, Dhar RC, Islam MS. 2011. Occurrence of Giardia in the effluents of a wastewater treatment plant in Dhaka. Bangladesh J Zool. 39: 147-156.
  20. Rahman F, Khanum H, Uddin MH, Haque R. 2010. Infestation of Entamoeba histolytica among the children of Mirpur cohort area, Dhaka. Dhaka Univ J Biol Sci. 19: 47-52.
  21. Khanum H, Rahman MM, Uddin MH, Alam S, Rahman F, Farhana R. 2010. Intestinal parasitic infestation among the outdoor patients of Dhaka University Medical Centre, Bangladesh. Univ J Zool. 28: 45-49.
  22. Parvin H, Uddin MH, Khanum H, Islam MS, Matin MA, Rahman MS, Endtz HP, Cravioto A, Islam MS. 2010. Prevalence of helminths in a lake of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Bangladesh J Zool. 38: 31-39.
  23. Uddin MH, Khanum H. 2008. Intestinal parasitic infestation and anemic status among the adolescent boys in Bangladesh. Univ J Zool. 27: 63-65.
  24. Khanum H, Nahar S, Uddin MH, Ferdous Z. 2008. Endohelminth infestation in Channa punctatus (Bloch, 1794). Bangladesh J Life Sc. 20: 17-25.
  25. Uddin MH, Rahman MM, Khanum H. 2005. Hemoglobin level among adolescent girls and itโ€™s relation to intestinal parasites. Bangladesh J Zool. 33: 183-187.
  26. Mizanurrahman M, Uddin MH, Khanum H. 2005. Hookworm infection and hygienic condition in the rural children of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J Zool. 33: 75-79.
  27. Sharmin S, Khanum H, Uddin MH. 2003. Endohelminth infectons in Xenentodon cancila (Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822) (Belonidae) from Chandpur, Bangladesh. Univ J Zool Rajshahi Univ. 22: 117-123.
Faculty Status: Basic Science
Md Hafiz Uddin

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