Joshua James Wilburn (fl2534)

University information

Title: Department Chair
Unit: Philosophy
Department: College of Liberal Arts & Science

Contact information

5057 Woodward
12th floor
Detroit, 48202

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences



Title: Professor
Secondary Title: Department Chair

5057 Woodward Ave.
12th Floor, Room 12002.3

Curriculum Vitae: 111350 1673456378 file

Ancient Greek Philosophy, History and Philosophy of Race and Racism

My current research focuses on how early Greek ideas about race and gender intersect with their views on politics, human biology, and psychology. Most recently, I've been considering Plato's engagement with Greek mythic stereotypes about ancient Amazon warrior women. I also have an ongoing research project on the history of Black American perspectives on racism, focusing especially on Langston Hughes' depictions of the psychology and epistemology of Whiteness in his poetry, fiction, non-fiction and other works. Recent courses I have taught include: Lovecraft Country and African American Philosophy, Ancient Greek Medicine and Psychology, Philosophy of Race and Racism, Race and Gender in Early Greek Thought, and Plato and Black Feminist Thought.

Education – Degrees, Licenses, Certifications: B.A., Philosophy and Religious Studies, The University of Texas at Austin (2005) Ph.D., Classical Philosophy, Princeton University (2011)
Selected publications:


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Joshua James Wilburn

Courses taught by Joshua James Wilburn

Winter Term 2025 (current)

Fall Term 2024

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

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