Pradeep Sopory (dz3594)
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Department of Communication
Pradeep Sopory (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison) conducts research on health, risk, and science communication. He investigates message design and effects, especially use of metaphor, analogy, and other figurative language to influence attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. He also studies methodological issues related to evidence synthesis.
Ph.D., Communication (Communication Science). Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 1999
M.A., Communication Management. Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California. 1990
B.E., Electrical and Electronics Engineering. National Institute of Technology (formerly Regional Engineering College), Srinagar, India. 1984
Tenured Professor, Department of Communication, Wayne State University. 2022-present
-Chair, Department of Communication. 2024-present
-Interim Chair, Department of Communication. 2023-2024
-Area Head, Communication Studies Area, Department of Communication. 2022-2023
Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Wayne State University. 2008-2022
-Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Communication. 2010-2016
-Area Head, Communication Studies Area, Department of Communication. 2009
Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Communication, The University of Memphis. 2006-2008
-Associate Director (Joint), Center for the Study of Rhetoric & Applied Communication, and Center for Multimedia Arts. 2005-2007
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, The University of Memphis. 2000-2006
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, The University of Memphis. 1998-2000
Message effects; Persuasion and influence; Health communication; Risk communication; Science communication; Public health emergency/ disaster communication; Media influence; Metaphor and figurative language; Quantitative research methods.
Backer, T. E., Rogers, E. M., & Sopory, P. (1992). Designing health communication campaigns: What works? Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Selected Articles & Book Chapters
Gizaw, A. T., Sopory, P., & Sudhakar, M. N. (2023). Effectiveness of a positive deviance approach to improve mother’s nutritional knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and child’s nutritional status in Maji District, West Omo Zone, South West region, Ethiopia: a cluster randomized control trial. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1277471. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1277471
Gizaw, A. T., Sopory, P., & Morankar, S. (2022). Breastfeeding knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy among mothers with infant and young child in rural Ethiopia. PLOS One, 17, e027994. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0279941
Akhther, N., & Sopory, P. (2022). Seeking and sharing mental health information on social media during COVID‑19: Role of depression and anxiety, peer support, and health benefits. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science. doi: 10.1007/s41347-021-00239-x
Wallen, M. M., Guerra-Lopez, I., Meroueh, L., Mohamed, R., Sankar, A., Sopory, P., Watkins, R., & Kashian, D. R. (2022). Designing and implementing a novel graduate program to develop transdisciplinary leaders in urban sustainability. Ecosphere, 13, e3901. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3901
Sopory, P., Novak, J. M., Day, A. M., Eckert, K., Wilkins, L., Padgett, D. R., Noyes, J., Allen, T., Alexander, N., Vanderford, M., & Gamhewage, G. M. (2021). Trust and public health emergency events: A mixed-methods systematic review. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2021.105
Sopory, P., Novak, J. M., & Noyes, J. (2021). Quarantine acceptance and adherence: Qualitative evidence synthesis and conceptual framework. Journal of Public Health. doi: 10.1007/s10389-021-01544-8
Zuair, A. A., & Sopory, P. (2020). Effects of media health literacy school-based interventions on adolescents’ body image concerns, eating concerns, and thin-internalization attitudes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Communication. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1813954
Novak, J., Day, A., Sopory, P., Wilkins, L., Padgett, D. R., Eckert, S., Noyes, J., Allen, T., Alexander, N., Vanderford, M., & Gamhewage, G. (2019). Engaging communities in emergency risk and crisis communication: Mixed-method systematic review and evidence synthesis. Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication, 2, 61-96. doi: 10.30658/jicrcr.2.1.4
Sopory, P., Day, A. M., Novak, J. M., Eckert, K., Wilkins, L., Padgett, D. R., Noyes, J., Barakji, F. A., Liu, J., Fowler, B. N., Guzman-Barcenas, J. B., Nagayko, A., Nickell, J. J., Donahue, D., Daniels, K., Allen, T., Alexander, N., Vanderford, M., & Gamhewage, G. M. (2019). Communicating uncertainty during public health emergency events: A systematic review. Review of Communication Research, 7. doi: 10.12840/ISSN.2255-4165.019
Tong, S.T., & Sopory, P. (2019). Does integral affect influence intentions to use artificial intelligence for skin cancer screening? A test of the affect heuristic. Psychology & Health, 34, 828-849. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2019.1579330
Eckert, S., Sopory, P., Day, A., Wilkins, L., Padgett, D., Novak, J., Noyes, J., Allen, T., Alexander, N., Vanderford, M., & Gamhewage, G. (2018). Health-related disaster communication and social media: Mixed-method systematic review. Health Communication, 33, 1389-1400.
Sopory, P. (2017). Metaphor in health and risk communication. In R. Parrott (Ed.) The Oxford Encyclopedia of Health and Risk Message Design and Processing (pp. 188-213). London: Oxford University Press.
Corriero, E., Tong, S., & Sopory, P. (2015). Behaviors, perceptions, responsiveness, and presence: A Dyadic Model of Mediated Communication. Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (CD-ROM), Computer Society Press.
Sopory, P. (2014). Metaphor. In T. L. Thompson (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [Encyclopedia entry]
Braddock, K. H., Dillard, J. P., Voigt, D. C., Stephenson, M. T., Sopory, P., & Anderson, J. W. (2011). Impulsivity partially mediates the relationship between BIS/BAS and risky health behaviors. Journal of Personality, 79, 793-810.
Maguire, K., Gardner, J., Sopory, P., Roach, M., Jian, G., Moreno, M., Amschlinger, J., Pettey, G., & Piccone, G. (2010). Formative research regarding kidney disease health information in a Latino American sample: Associations among message frame, threat, efficacy, message effectiveness, and behavioral intention. Communication Education (special issue on Communication Education and Health Promotion), 59, 344-359.
Voigt, D. C., Dillard, J. P., Braddock, K. H., Anderson, J. W., Sopory, P., & Stephenson, M. T. (2009) Carver and White's (1994) BIS/BAS scales and their relationship to risky health behaviors. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 89-93.
Sopory, P. (2008). Metaphor and intra-attitudinal structural coherence. Communication Studies, 59, 164-181.
Sopory, P. (2005). Metaphor and affect. Poetics Today, 26, 433-458.
Sopory, P. (2005). Metaphor in formative evaluation and persuasive message design: An application to relationships and alcohol use. Health Communication, 17, 149-172.
Sopory, P., & Dillard, J. P. (2002). The persuasive effects of metaphor: A meta-analysis. Human Communication Research, 28, 382-419.
Sopory, P. (2023). Discourse of violence, anger, fear, fragility, and authenticity: Mapping metaphor use at the intersection of the Covid-19 pandemic and elections in India. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Akhther, N., & Sopory, P. (2021). Information-seeking and information-sharing about mental health on social media: Role of depression and anxiety ratings, perceived health-related social media peer support, and perceived health benefits of social media. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference (Virtual), Denver, CO.
Islam, K., & Sopory, P. (2021). Journalist role conceptions during public health crises: Exploring its dual status as outcome and predictor in the COVID-19 pandemic context in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference (Virtual), Denver, CO.
Sopory, P. (2019). Health and risk communication. Michigan Public Health Institute, Paving the Way with Health Equity: State of Michigan HIV and STD Conference, Detroit, MI.
Tong, S., Sopory, P., & Prince, R. (2018). The affect heuristic in message processing: Does integral affect influence decisions to use artificial intelligence for cancer screening? Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT.
Sopory, P. (2017). What are the best ways to build trust and communicate uncertainties during public health emergency events. Paper presented for panel on “Effective Health Risk Communication During Emergency Events: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in the Synthesis of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Findings” at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Jeon, J., & Sopory, P. (2017). Social comparison and information seeking: College students’ sexual health information management in the context of user-created online health information. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Corriero, E., Maguire, K. C., Sopory, P., & St. John-Hamborsky, R. (2016). Communication processes in virtual teams: A pilot study of the relationships among responsiveness, propinquity, and satisfaction. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Sopory, P. (2016; 2015). Health communication campaigns. Workshop presentation for Broadening Experiences in Science and Technology (BEST) Program, Phase II, The Graduate School, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
Barakji., F., & Sopory, P. (2015). Does self-efficacy mediate the effect of spousal support and spousal strain on diabetes regimen adherence among married older adults? Concurrent and time-lagged analyses. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Convention (Scholar-to-Scholar), Chicago, IL.
Corriero, E., Tong, S., & Sopory, P. (2015). Behaviors, perceptions, responsiveness, and presence: A Dyadic Model of Mediated Communication. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, University of Hawai’i, Manoa, HI.
Corriero, E., & Sopory, P. (2014). Toward an embodied perspective on interpersonal communication. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Convention (Scholar-to-Scholar), Chicago, IL.
Gleason-Comstock, J., Sopory, P., Streater, A., & Kivell, L. (2014). Formative evaluation for an urban community mobilization campaign for HIV testing: Barriers and facilitators. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Sopory, P., Jeon, J., & Cherney, J. (2014). Presenting uncertainty in fish consumption health advisory materials. Paper presented at the Annual Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY.
Michigan Health Endowment Fund. Citizen Deliberation for Healthy Neighborhoods: Replicating a Model of Empowering Communities to Achieve Their Health Priorities. 2023-2025. $499,705. PI
World Health Organization, Health Emergencies Programme. Learning in Health Emergencies: Systematic Review of Barriers and Enablers to Learning from Public Health Emergencies. 2023. $42,807. PI
Michigan Health Endowment Fund. Citizen Deliberation for Sustainable Healthy Communities. 2021-2023/2024. $198,892. PI
National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program. Transformative Research in Urban Sustainability Training (T-RUST). 2017-2022/2023. $2,999,976. Co-PI
National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Qualitative Evidence Synthesis for the Committee on Evidence-Based Practices for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response (PHEPR). 2019-2020. $99,235. PI
World Health Organization, Department of Communications. Evidence Syntheses to Support the WHO Guideline on Emergency Risk Communication. 2015-2017. $167,066. PI
National Institutes of Health, Biomedical Research Workforce Innovation Award. Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST). 2013-2018. $1,250,000. Senior/Key Personnel
Michigan Department of Community Health. Testing Effectiveness of Michigan Fish Advisories. 2010-2012. $207,110. PI
Michigan Department of Community Health. Community Mobilization Campaign for HIV Testing: A Social Networks Approach. 2010-2011. $299,673. PI
Bernard Brock Faculty Research Award, Department of Communication, Wayne State University. 2021
Exceptional Service to Department Award, Department of Communication, Wayne State University. 2015
Top Four Paper, Applied Communication Division, National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL (with Tracy Rutledge). 2011
Top Four Paper, Applied Communication Division, National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL (with Katheryn Maguire and others). 2009
Ten Year Service Award, The University of Memphis. 2008
Top Four Paper, Mass Communication Division, Southern States Communication Association Annual Convention, Dallas, TX (with Fang-Yi Flora Wei and Katherine Hendrix). 2006
John E. Hunter Award for Meta-Analysis, International Communication Association, Information Systems Division (with James Dillard). 2004
Top Four Paper, Information Systems Division, International Communication Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL (with James Dillard). 1996
Audience Measurement and Survey Techniques (online): This course covers the methods of measuring audiences via ratings analysis and survey research.
Communication Theory: This course introduced students to the philosophical perspectives and general theories that facilitate the study of human communication from a social science perspective.
Health Communication-Media and Health (developed syllabus): This seminar covers the use, representation, and effects of health and medical information in the media.
Health and Risk Communication (created new online course): This course covers theories and research results that explain the complex role of communication in hindering and promoting public health in general and particularly under situations of immediate or future risk.
Introduction to Doctoral Studies in Communication: The course offers an understanding of the different philosophical perspectives that constitute the communication discipline and the related principal methodological approaches to studying human communication.
Introduction to M.A. Studies in Communication: The course introduces incoming M.A. students to differing approaches to communication research with a focus on the conventions of scholarly writing in conjunction with critical thinking.
Quantitative Research Methods in Communication: This course provides students with the quantitative social science research tools required to design, conduct, and analyze experiment, survey, and content analysis studies.
Risk Communication - Disasters, Hazards, and Mass Media (created new online course): This course covers the role of the mass media in communicating about hazards and disasters, and public opinion and cultural understanding of risk as expressed through popular culture.
Risk Communication-Theoretical and Practical Approaches (created new online course): This course covers risk communication theory and research, and provides knowledge to investigate and design effective risk messages
Communication Ethics: This course examines various philosophical perspectives on communication ethics and explores their implications for communicative practice in different communication contexts.
Communication and Social Marketing: This course covers the communication processes and practices that can be employed to promote positive social change through social marketing.
Persuasive Speaking: This course covers the use of social scientific research on persuasion to analyze audiences and tailor persuasive speeches.
Research Methods in Communication: This course is designed to provide students with the social science research tools required to describe and explain communication behaviors.
Science Communication (created new course): This course provides students an opportunity to become familiar with the theory, research, and practice of science communication.
Seminar in Communication Studies: Topic - Persuasion for Social Change: This seminar is designed to introduce students to theoretical and applied issues in the study of persuasion from a social-scientific perspective.
Senior Project in Communication Studies (developed syllabus): This Capstone course for the Communication Studies area requires a major team project and individual professional portfolios.
Theories of Human Communication: The course offers an overview of some of the primary social science communication theories in the discipline.
Current: Muhammad Azad (Ph.D. student); Muhammed Zakaria (Ph.D. student)
Graduated: Najma Akhther; Fatima Barakji; Autumn Blanchard; Anna Maria Flores; Khairul Islam; Jehoon Jeon; Sandaruwan Subasinghe. At The University of Memphis - Abdulrahman Al-Zuhayyan; Eletra Gilchrist; Fang-Yi Flora Wei; Kenneth Embry; Tracy Rutledge; William Maze
Area Head; Director Graduate Studies; Executive Committee member; Faculty Search Committee chair (four searches); Graduate Committee chair; Personnel & Salary Committee member; Promotion & Tenure Committee member; Summer Doctoral Seminar Committee chair.
Department Chair Search Committee member; Faculty Council member; Faculty Salary Committee member; Undergraduate Student Satisfaction Survey consultant.
Faculty Research Grant Competition Review Committee member; Global Health Research Collaborative; Graduate and Postdoc Research Symposium judge; Graduate Council member; Graduate Council New Programs Committee member; Graduate Council Executive Committee chair; Graduate School Master’s Program Advisory Board member; Graduate School Ph.D. Program Advisory Board member; Humanities Center Advisory Board member; Provost's Big Data Cluster Hire Faculty Search Committee member; Provost's COVID-19 Academic Continuity Committee member; Provost’s Graduate Assistantship Allocation Committee member; Tenure & Promotion Committee member.
Editorial Board Member: Health Communication (present); Human Communication Research; Journal of Applied Communication Research; Southern Communication Journal.
Ad-Hoc Manuscript Reviewer: Addiction Research & Theory; Communication Reports; Communication Research; Communication Studies; Communication Theory; Communication Yearbook; Convergence: The International Journal of Research on New Media Technologies; Health Communication; Health Communication Research; Journal of Advertising; Journal of Applied Communication Research; Journal of Business Ethics; Journal of Communication; Journal of Communication in Healthcare; Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication; Journal of Health Communication; Journal of Language and Social Psychology; Journal of Public Health: From Theory to Practice; Language and Cognition; Media Psychology; Medical Sciences Monitor; Natural Hazards Review; North West Communication Association Journal; Review of Communication Research; Review of General Psychology; Risk Analysis; Sage Open.
Office Hours:
In-person by appointment (contact via email); Available via email at all times
585 Manoogian Hall