Patrick O. Lindsey (cz5360)

University information

Title: Vice-President
Unit: VP Gov and Community Affairs
Department: University Relations

Contact information

656 W. Kirby, 4091 F/AB
Office of Government & Community Affairs
Detroit, 48202

University Relations

Title: Vice President of Government and Community Affairs

Patrick O. Lindsey joined Wayne State University as Vice President for Government and Community Affairs on January 1, 2012.

Patrick is a Detroit native with more than 25 years experience in the corporate and nonprofit sectors. Patrick came to Wayne State from Detroit-based Focus: HOPE, where he was Director of External Relations and Development, where he led their communications, government relations and fundraising efforts. Prior to that, Patrick enjoyed a 20-year career with Chrysler, where he most recently was Senior Manager of State Relations. In that role, he led state and local government relations initiatives including legislative lobbying, negotiation of economic incentives on corporate investments, and establishing and maintaining relationships with key public officials. He managed a government relations portfolio consisting of 10 states and the City of Detroit. He also served Chrysler as Manager of Community Relations and in Corporate and Plant Security Operations.

Patrick holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Michigan. He lives in Detroit with his wife, Kathy, and children Kendall and Kaylyn. He also serves as pastor of Greater Bibleway Baptist Church in Detroit.

Patrick O. Lindsey

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