Tim Moran (cy2558)

University information

Title: Associate Professor - Teaching
Unit: Honors College
Department: Honors College

Contact information

Irvin D. Reid Honors College

Title: Associate Professor of Teaching

Tim Moran has spent a career as a journalist and author, writing for national, regional, and local publications on subjects that range from sailing to the automotive industry. He has worked as a staff reporter on a daily newspaper and, more extensively, as a freelance writer. He received his Ph.D. in Early American History from Wayne State in 2015 and has taught European History and American History both in the classroom and online. His thesis, “Our News is Sent by Lightning,” studied the creation of the earliest electric networks in American and how they affected news coverage from 1840 to the 1890s. Tim’s research interests include the Civil War, the Press, communication theory, and medieval history. 

Tim Moran

Courses taught by Tim Moran

Winter Term 2025 (current)

Fall Term 2024

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

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