Ben Pogodzinski (cs3372)
University information
Contact information
College of Education
- Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2009
- M.P.P., Georgetown University, 2003
- B.A., University of Michigan, 1999
- Education Leadership and Policy Studies
Office Hours: By appointment.
377 Education Bldg.
My research interests focus on how state and district policies, school organizational context, and labor relations influence teachers’ instructional practices, effectiveness, and labor market decisions. My additional research interests focus on school choice policies and school financing.
- Catholic Schools Council - Archdiocese of Detroit
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Lenhoff, S. W., Singer, J., Pogodzinski, B., & Cook, W. (2022). Exiting Detroit for school: Inequitable choice sets and school quality. Journal of Education Policy, 37(4), 590-612.
Pogodzinski, B., Lenhoff, S. W., Cook, W., & Singer, J.* (2022). School transit and accessing public school in detroit. Education and Urban Society, 54(6), 695-713.
Pogodzinski, B., Cook, W., Lenhoff, S.W., & Singer, J.* (2022). School climate and student mobility. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 21(4), 984-1004.
Pogodzinski, B., & Morris, A. (2021). Organizational effectiveness in Catholic schools across the Archdiocese of Detroit. Journal of Catholic Education, 24(1), 204-224.
Pogodzinski, B., Cook, W., Lenhoff, S.W., & Singer, J. (2021). School climate and student mobility. Leadership and Policy in Schools. DOI: 10.1080/15700763.2021.1901121
Singer, J., Pogodzinski, B., Lenhoff, S. W., & Cook, W. (2021). Advancing an ecological approach to chronic absenteeism: Evidence from Detroit. Teachers College Record, 123(4).
Lenhoff, S.W., Singer, J., Pogodzinski, B., & Cook, W. (2020) Exiting Detroit for school: inequitable choice sets and school quality. Journal of Education Policy, DOI: 10.1080/02680939.2020.1856932
Lenhoff, S. W., Lewis, J. M., Pogodzinski, B., & Jones, R. D. (2019). ‘Triage, transition, and transformation’: Advocacy discourse in urban school reform. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27, 32.
Pogodzinski, B., Lenhoff, S. W., & Addonizio, M. (2019). The Relationship Between Open Enrollment and School Bond Voting. Educational Administration Quarterly, 55, 510-534.
Lenhoff, S. W., & Pogodzinski, B. (2018). School Organizational Effectiveness and Chronic Absenteeism: Implications for Accountability. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), 23(1-2), 153-169.
George, C., Ingle, W.K., & Pogodzinski, B. (2018). Exploring the politics of collective bargaining and unions in education. Educational Policy, 32, 143-151.
Superfine, B. M., Umpstead, R. R., Mayrowetz, D., Lenhoff, S. W., & Pogodzinski, B. (2018).
Science and Politics in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association. Educational Policy, 32, 211-233.
Lenhoff, S. W., Pogodzinski, B., Mayrowetz, D., Superfine, B.M., & Umpstead, R. R. (2017). District stressors and teacher evaluation ratings. Journal of Educational Administration.
Pogodzinski, B., Lenhoff, S. W., & Addonizio, M. F. (2017). The push and pull of open enrolment policy in metro Detroit. Educational Review, DOI:10.1080/00131911.2017.1359148
Pogodzinski, B. (2016). The microfoundations of human resources management in US public schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 54, 537-557.
Owens, M. A., Pogodzinski, B., & Hill, W. E. (2016). Job-embedded professional development policy in Michigan: can it be successful? Professional development in education, 42, 201- 217.
Pogodzinksi, B., Umpstead, G., & Witt, J. (2015). Teacher evaluation reform implementation and labor relations. Journal of Education Policy, 30, 540-561.
Pogodzinski, B. (2015). The impact of administrative context on novice-mentor interactions.
Journal of Educational Administration, 53, 40-65.
Youngs, P., Pogodzinski, B., Grogan, E., & Perrone, F. (2015). Person-organization fit and research on instruction. Educational Researcher, 44, 37-45.
Youngs, P., Kwak, H.S., & Pogodzinski, B. (2015). How middle school principals can affect beginning teachers’ experiences. Journal of School Leadership, 25, 157-189.
Pogodzinski, B., & Jones, N. (2015). Examining novice teachers’ socialization into unions.
Education and Urban Society, 47, 669-694.
Youngs, P., Pogodzinski, B., & Galey, S. (2015). How labor management relations and human resource policies affect the process of teacher assignment in urban school districts.
Educational Administration Quarterly, 51, 214-246.
Pogodzinski, B. (2014). Collegial support and novice teachers’ perceptions of working conditions. Journal of Educational Change, 15, 467-489.
Pogodzinski, B., & Jones, N. (2014). Exploring novice teachers’ attitudes and behaviors regarding teacher unionism. Educational Policy, 28, 491-515.
Pogodzinski, B., Youngs, P., & Frank, K. A. (2013). Collegial climate and novice teachers’ intent to remain teaching. American Journal of Education, 120, 27-54.
Umpstead, R., Pogodzinski, B., & Lund, D. (2013). An analysis of state teacher evaluation laws enacted in response to the federal race to the top initiative. Education Law Reporter, 286, 795-823.
Pogodzinski, B., Youngs, P., Frank, K.A., & Belman, D. (2012). Administrative climate and novices’ intent to remain teaching. The Elementary School Journal, 113, 252-275.
Pogodzinski, B. (2012). Socialization of novice teachers. Journal of School Leadership, 22, 982- 1023.
Pogodzinski, B. (2012). Considering the social context of schools: A framework for investigating new teacher induction. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 20, 325-342.
Pogodzinski, B. (2012). The socialization of novice teachers into teacher unions. Labor Studies Journal, 37, 183-202.
Book Chapters
Kelly, S., Pogodzinski, B., Zhang, Y. (2018). Teacher quality. In B. Schneider & G. Saw (Eds.),
Handbook of the Sociology of Education in the 21st Century. New York: Springer.
Pogodzinski, B. (2015). The formal and informal contexts of union socialization. In N. Bascia (Ed.), Teacher Unions In Public Education: Politics, History And The Future.
Hampshire, England: Palgrave MacMillan.
Youngs, P., Frank, K.A., & Pogodzinski, B. (2012). The role of mentors and colleagues in
beginning elementary and middle school teachers’ language arts instruction. In S. Kelley (Ed.), Assessing Teacher Quality: Understanding Teacher Effects on Instruction and Achievement. New York: Teachers College Press.
Youngs, P., Pogodzinski, B., & Low, M. (2010). The role of formative assessment in new teacher induction. In M. Kennedy (Ed.), Handbook of Teaching and Teacher Quality. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Courses taught by Ben Pogodzinski
Spring-Summer Term 2024
Winter Term 2024
Fall Term 2023
Spring-Summer Term 2023
Winter Term 2023
- EPS9610 - Seminar in Educational Policy Development
- EPS9620 - Seminar in Educational Policy Initiatives