Asli Ozgun-Koca Ph.D. (ay3141)
University information
Contact information
College of Education
Hacettepe University, Turkiye, 1993, B.S., Mathematics Education
Middle East Technical University, Turkiye, 1996, M.S., Mathematics
The Ohio State University, 2001, Ph.D., Mathematics Education
Mathematics Education, Teacher Education, Secondary Education
Office Hours: By appointment.
Mathematics Education
- Mathematics education
- Technology use in mathematics education
- The use of technology in education
- Mathematics teacher education
- Professional development
- Teacher education
- Teacher learning
- Lesson study
- Middle school
- Secondary education
- President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching, 2015
- COE Faculty Research Award, 2014
- Career Development Chair Award, 2013
- Student Success Through Evidence-Based Pedagogies (SSTEPs), NSF-DUE, 2015 - 2021
- Noyce Mathematics Fellows, TeachDETROIT, NSF-Noyce, 2015 - 2021
- REALM 2.0, Realizing Equity and Achievement for Learning Mathematics, MDE-Title II, 2018-2019
- REALM: Realizing Equity and Achievement for Learning Mathematics, MDE-MSP, 2016 - 2018
- Improving Proportional Reasoning Instruction through eNgineering Tasks (IMPRINT), MDE-MSP, 2013 - 2016
- Mathematics Enhancement for Detroit Area teachers (MEDeATe), NSF-Noyce, Capacity Building, 2012 - 2014
Lewis, J., Özgün-Koca, S. A., Nazelli, C., Hernandez, L., Greco, A. (2024). The effects of curriculum pacing policies on teachers' decision-making in instruction. 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Sydney, Australia.
Lee, H. J., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2024). Investigating the capability of collaborative online international learning (COIL) in improving mathematical feedback practices of preservice teachers. 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Sydney, Australia.
Özgün-Koca, S. A., Lewis, J., Nazelli, C., & Hernandez, L. (2024). Using transformative technology to teach central tendency and promote equity. International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) Roundtable Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Meagher, M. S., Nazelli, C., Özgün-Koca, S. A., & Edwards, M. T. (2023). Project CRAFTeD: An adapted lesson study for pre-service mathematics teachers. In T. Lamberg, & D. Moss, Eds.), Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp. 523-531). Reno, NV: University of Nevada, Reno.
Lewis, J. Nazelli, C.; Özgün-Koca, S. A.; French, K.; & Hernandez, L. (2023). Professional development for human flourishing. Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 13). Budapest, Hungary.
Meagher, M. S., Edwards, M. T., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2022). Preservice teachers’ task choice in technology-rich environments. In A. E. Lischka, E. B. Dyer, R. S. Jones, J. N. Lovett, J. Strayer, & S. Drown, (Eds.), Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 2034-2038). Nashville, TN: Middle Tennessee State University.
Hardamon, K., Nazelli, C. D., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2022, February). High-quality professional development to support and nurture lesson study. Session presented at the at the Twenty-sixth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE).
Hoffmann, P., Kacin, S., Myhr, K., Özgün-Koca, S. A., & Hutchinson, A. (November 2021). Complexities of change: Lessons learned from an institution-level project to transform undergraduate STEM instruction. Session presented at 2021 AAC&U Virtual Conference on Transforming STEM Higher Education.
Özgün-Koca, S. A., Chelst, K., & Edwards, T. (April, 2021). Intentionally building "M" into STEM activities. Session presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting and Exposition.
Edwards, T., Chelst, K., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (April, 2021). Standards for mathematical practice and scenario-based learning in middle school mathematics. Pre-recorded presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting and Exposition.
Nazelli, C. D., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2021, April). Lesson planning for a real classroom: Adapted lesson study for preservice. Research and poster roundtable sessions presented at Mathematics Teachers Lesson Study in Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Conference (LSMSTEC) (Virtual Conference due to COVID-19).
Nazelli, C. D., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2021, April). Lesson study as professional development tool for preservice mathematics teachers. Structured poster session presented at the 2021 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting (Virtual Conference due to COVID-19).
Hardamon, K., Nazelli, C. D., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2021, April). Project REALM: High-quality professional development to support and nurture lesson study. Poster session presented at the 2021 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting (Virtual Conference due to COVID-19).
Özgün-Koca, S. A., Zopf, D., & Nazelli, C. (February, 2021). Enhancing elementary teachers’ mathematical knowledge: From peer review to inter-institutional conversations. Session presented at the Twenty-fifth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) (Virtual Conference due to COVID-19).
Sönmez, D. & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2024). The use of technology to integrate biology and mathematics. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 11(3), 703-719.
Meagher, M., Edwards, M. T., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2023). Challenging misconceptions about the coefficient of determination (R2) with a dynamic GeoGebra applet. North American GeoGebra Journal, 11(1), 48-61.
Nazelli, C., Zopf, D., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2022). Engaging elementary pre-service teachers with high leverage mathematical practices. In P. Jenlink (Ed.), Mathematics as the science of patterns: Making the invisible visible through teaching (pp. 183-201). Information Age Publishing.
Crawford-McKinney, K., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2022). Mathematics through children’s literature. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K–12, 115(9), 625-632.
Lewis, J. M., Özgün-Koca, S. A., Hernandez, L., Nazelli, C., & French, K. R. (2022). Does the choice of observation instrument matter? The Mathematics Educator, 30(2), 33-63.
Crawford-McKinney, K., Özgün-Koca, S. A. & Rebar, K. (2022). “Power of yet”: The integration of the culturally responsive literature with the productive struggle in mathematics. Michigan Reading Journal 54(2), 50-56.
Crawford-McKinney, K., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2022). When Sophie thinks she can’t. Worlds of Words Reviews, 14(2), Special issue on Global Perspectives on STEM.
Meagher, M., Edwards, M. T., & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2021). A quadratic to a quadratic? This is new! Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K–12, 114, 860-868.
Edwards, T. G., Özgün-Koca, S. A., & Chelst, K. (2021). Visualizing complex roots of quadratic equation. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K–12, 114(3), 238-243.
Shafer, K. & Özgün-Koca, S. A. (2021). GPS: Investigating variability. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK-12, 114(1), 78-82.
Courses taught by Asli Ozgun-Koca Ph.D.
Winter Term 2025 (current)
Fall Term 2024
- MAE1000 - Detroit by the Numbers
- MAE5150 - Methods and Materials of Instruction: Secondary School Mathematics
- MAE7200 - Advanced Studies in Teaching Statistics and Probability
Fall Term 2023
- MAE1000 - Detroit by the Numbers
- MAE5150 - Methods and Materials of Instruction: Secondary School Mathematics