Erin Stanley (ax0758)
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Major: Social Work and Anthropology
School of Social Work
Erin Stanley (she/her/hers) is a doctoral student in the Social Work and Anthropology Program (SWAN). Her research interests include studying and conceptualizing experiences around place-based belonging, dismemberment, and (re)membering as they relate to property tax foreclosures and residential housing demolitions in Detroit. She is also interested in the relationship between reparations policy and healing, in how grassroots coalitions function, in examining the interconnected cultural roots of social and ecological crises, and in adopting the EcoJustice Education framework within Social Work pedagogy. Stanley works as a Graduate Research Assistant on a collaborative project funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF), titled “Water and Health Infrastructure Resilience and Learning.” She is also a Research Assistant and activist with the Coalition for Property Tax Justice in Detroit. Stanley studied Human Services, Sociology, and Urban Studies at Loyola University Chicago, where she earned a BS in 2009. Stanley received her MA in Social Foundations of Education at Eastern Michigan University in 2015 with a concentration in EcoJustice Education. She received her MSW from Wayne State University in 2019 with a focus on Innovation in Community, Policy, and Leadership. Stanley’s professional experience involves various community-based roles, including homeless outreach, housing case management, and medical care management, as well as education roles, such as service-learning, youth empowerment, and environmental education.