Katheryn Coveley Maguire (ar6558)

University information

Title: Professor
Unit: Communication
Department: Fine & Performing Arts

Contact information

525 Manoogian
Fine Arts
Detroit, 48202

Department of Communication

Honorific: Dr.
Title: Professor, Member, Academy of Teachers

Katheryn C. Maguire is Professor in the Department of Communication here at Wayne State University. She served as Department Chair from 2018-2023. Her research centers on how individuals use communication to maintain relationships and cope with stressful situations in both distanced and face-to-face contexts. In 2016, she joined a research team to examine how couples cope with work-family conflict. Katheryn also studies the role of computer-mediated interactions in long-distance relationships, with a particular interest in how perceptions of social presence facilitate the accomplishment of both individual and relational goals. Katheryn enjoys teaching and discussing communication concepts with graduate and undergraduate students. She describes her teaching style as an "organized conversation," frequently inviting student input on the day's topic. She has taught a number of different classes, including Interpersonal Communication, Family Communication, Nonverbal Communication, and Communication Theory. She is author of the book, Stress and Coping in Families, and has published in a number of academic journals, including the Journal of Applied Communication, Communication Monographs, Communication Quarterly, and the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

To read some media coverage of her work, please visit the following websites:

May 2024 How social media monitoring and work-life balance shape motherhood in 2024

April 2020, Parents.com, How to be an effective listener for your child

April 2020, BBC.com, How to maintain relationships in self-isolation.

July, 2015. MentalFloss.com. What Science Has to Say About Long-Distance Relationships. 

September, 2013. Deadline Now. Helping returning veterans and their families. Aired on September 27, 2013, WGTE Toledo, Ohio. 

October, 2012. Times of India and Pune Mirror. India. Commuter love may not be for all couples.  

January 2011. The Plain Dealer. Cleveland, OH. At home in Northeast Ohio, soldiers’ families feel the stress of war in the Middle East. Topic: Stress and coping in military families.  

June 2010. Lovingyou.com. Scottsdale, AZ. 5 essentials for a successful LDR. Topic: Maintaining long distance relationships.  

February 2010. The war over here: Deployments and military family communication. Communication Currents, 5(1). 

December 2006. Women’s Health Magazine. New York. Long Distance Love. Topic: Maintaining long distance relationships.   

Academic Interests:

Relational and Family Communication, Stress and Coping, Work-Family Conflict, Long Distance Relating, Dark Side Issues in Interpersonal Communication, Relationship Maintenance, Mediated Interaction (Computer and otherwise)

Area of Expertise:

Long Distance Relationships

Degrees and Certifications:

Doctor of Philosophy (Communication), University of Texas at Austin, 2001

Master of Arts (Communication), University of North Texas, 1997

Bachelor of Science (Speech Communication), University of Texas at Austin, 1992;

Completion of Secondary Teacher’s Certification Program, 1993

Recent Publications:
Maguire, K. (2012). Stress and Coping in Families. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters (select)  
Montazer, S., Pinneault, L., Brumley, K. M., Maguire, K., & Baltes, B. (2024). Social change in the turbulent times of the COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts of work-related demands on work-to-family conflict, mastery, and psychological distress. Society and Mental Health. doi: 10.1177/21568693231218256.
Maguire, K., Greenwald, J., & Mixon, A. (2024). Coping 101. In K. Rossetto and E. Martin (Eds.), Journey into college & career: Cultivating resilience among challenges (p. 23-34). Kendall Hunt.

Montazer, S., Brumley, K. M., Pineault, L., Maguire, K., & Baltes, B. (2022). COVID-19 Onset, Parental Status, and Psychological Distress among Full-time Employed Heterosexual Adults in Dual-earning Relationships: The Explanatory Role of Work-family Conflict and Guilt. Society and Mental Health, 12(2), 119–136. https://doi.org/10.1177/21568693221096189

Brumley, K., Maguire, K., & Montazer, S. (2021). The paradox of time: Work, family, conflict, and the social construction of time. Sociological Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/00380237.2021.1970062

Mikucki-Enyart, S. L., & Maguire, K. C. (2021). Introduction to the special issue on Family Communication in the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Family Communication, 3, 145-151. https://doi.org/10.1080/15267431.2021.1933038

Montazer, S., Brumley, K., & Maguire, K. (2020). Overnight work-travel, work-family conflict, and psychological distress. Social Science Journal, DOI: 10.1080/03623319.2020.1756175.

Barakji, F., Maguire, K. C., Reiss, H., Gaule, J., Smith, N., Pelliccio, L., Sellnow-Richmond, S., Jeon, J., & Oshagan, J. (2019). Cultural and transnational influences on the use of information communication technologies in adult long-distance family relationships: An extension of Media Multiplexity Theory. Journal of Family Communication, 19, 30-46. https://doi.org/10.1080/15267431.2018.1530675

Maguire, K. C., & Sahlstein Parcell, E. (2015). Communication and the coping paradox: The case of Army Spouses and Wartime Deployment. Southern Journal of Communication, 80, 342-354. doi: 10.1080/1041794X.2015.1081973.

Maguire, K. C. (2015). Communication in military families. In E. Sahlstein Parcell & L. Webb (Eds.), A communicative perspective on the military: Messages, strategies, meanings (p. 19-37). New York: Peter Lang. *invited. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3726/978-1-4539-1562-2

Maguire, K. C. (2014). Stress and coping in families: A review and synthesis of communication research. In L. Turner & R. West (Eds.), The Sage handbook of family communication (p. 154-168). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. *invited. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483375366.n10

Sahlstein Parcell, E., & Maguire, K. C. (2014). Comfort, cliques, and clashes: The dilemmas that Army wives face when interacting within a family readiness group during wartime. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 31, 497-515. doi: 10.1177/0265407514521766

Sahlstein Parcell, E., & Maguire, K. C. (2014). Turning points and trajectories of military deployment. Journal of Family Communication, 14, 129-148. doi: 10.1080/15267431.2013.864293


Courses Taught:

Graduate Courses

  • COM 8170 Seminar in Interpersonal Communication
  • COM 7810 Seminar in Instructional Communication Education
  • COM 7410 Communication Theories
  • COM 7360 Qualitative Research Methods
  • COM 7430 Interviewing
  • COM 7155 Interpersonal Communication Theory
  • COM 7010 Special Topics: Relational and Family Communication
  • COM 7000 Introduction to M.A. Studies in Communication
  • COM 6170 Principles of Interpersonal Communication

Undergraduate Courses

  • COM 5900 Senior Project in Communication Studies
  • COM 5190 Senior Seminar in Communication Studies. Topic: Stress and Coping in Relationships
  • COM 4210 Introduction to Research Methods
  • COM 4180 Family Communication
  • COM 3400 Theories of Communication
  • COM 4200/3200 Nonverbal Communication
  • COM 2200 Interpersonal Communication
  • COM 2000 Introduction to Communication Studies
  • COM 1010 Oral Communication: Basic Speech
Office Location:

585 Manoogian Hall

Homepage URL: https://comm.wayne.edu/profile/ar6558
Primary E-mail: kmaguire@wayne.edu
Youtube Videos: https://youtu.be/sW4QeRupS-w
Katheryn Coveley Maguire

Courses taught by Katheryn Coveley Maguire

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