Mary Beth O'Connell Pharm.D. Pharm.D. (ao4856)
University information
Contact information
Dr. O’Connell is a Professor with Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Pharmacy Practice Department. She received her B.S. in Pharmacy from Wayne State University and her PharmD from the University of Minnesota. She completed an ASHP residency at Harper Hospital in Detroit, MI and a fellowship in pharmacokinetics, nephrology and transplant at the Drug Evaluation Unit, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN. She has practiced in interdisciplinary geriatric clinics, community pharmacy, and on general medicine, nephrology, geriatric, and critical care hospital services. Dr. O’Connell’s interests include women’s health and geriatric pharmacotherapy, osteoporosis, and scholarship of teaching and learning.
Dr. O’Connell is active with many pharmacy and medical organizations. She is past president of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy and the Minnesota Society of Health-System Pharmacists. She is active with Michigan pharmacy organizations and helping with pharmacist-prescribed contraception legislation. She is an editor for the only women’s health pharmacy textbook titled Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. She is a past member of the National Institute of Health’s Office of Women’s Health Advisory Board. Dr. O’Connell has received national and state teaching, service and practice awards. She is the LKS Omicron chapter advisor.
- 1982 - Pharm.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1979 - B.S. in Pharmacy, Wayne State University
- 2015 - Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (1993, 2000, 2008, 2015, 2022)
- 2013 - Medication Therapy Management, American Pharmacists Association
- 2013 - Medication Therapy Management Train the Trainer, American Pharmacists Association
- 2010 - Pharmacy Based Immunization Delivery, Michigan Pharmacists Association
- 2023 - CPR, American Red Cross
- 1989 - Quarter Sabbatical (study of osteoporotic fractures), University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- 2017-present - Professor of Pharmacy Practice with tenure, Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Detroit, Michigan
- 2002-present - Faculty Associate, Wayne State University Institute of Gerontology, Detroit, MI
- 2002-2017 - Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice with tenure, Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Detroit, Michigan
- 2004-2010 - Geriatric Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacist, Geriatric Center of Excellence, Krieger Geriatric, Huron Valley Sinai Health System, Detroit Medical Center, Commerce Twp, MI
- 2005-2008 - Geriatric Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacist, Geriatric Center of Excellence, Rosa Parks Senior Center, University Health Center, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI
- 2002 - Full Member, Graduate Faculty in Social, Administrative, and Clinical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1993-2002 - Associate Member, Graduate Faculty in Gerontology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1991-2002 - Associate Professor of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology with tenure, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 2001-2002 - Associate Member, Graduate Faculty in Social, Administrative, and Clinical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1997-2001 - Associate Member, Graduate Faculty in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1992-2000 - Associate Member, Graduate Faculty in Hospital Pharmacy & Experimental Pharmacotherapy, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1998-1999 - Director of Education and Chair Advisory Board for the Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Certificate Program, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1997-1998 - Director and Chair Advisory Board of the Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Certificate Program, University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, Minneapolis, MN
- 1984-1996 - Clinical Research Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN
- 1984-1991 - Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1982-1983 - Assistant Professor of Pharmacy, Ferris State College, College of Pharmacy, Big Rapids, MI
- 1982-1983 - Clinical Pharmacist, St. Lawrence Hospital and Michigan State Nephrology Clinic, Lansing, MI
- 1980-1982 - Arden Plaza Pharmacy, Arden Hills, MN
- 2023 - Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Fraternity Chapter of the Year Award, Platinum Region Chapter of the Year Award, PepTaLKS Attendance Award, PepTaLKS Top Quiz Score
- 2022 - Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Fraternity Chapter of the Year Award, Region Chapter of the Year Award, Top Leadership Award, and Top Service Award
- 2022 - Vanguard Leadership Award, Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity
- 2021 - Top Resident and Fellow Poster Finalist with Ulyana Kucherapa, PharmD American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- 2021 - Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Fraternity Gold Region Chapter of the Year Award, Third Place Member Retention Award, and Finalist for the Leadership Award
- 2021 - Walmart Scholar Program Award with Dr. Ulyana Kucherepa, PharmD
- 2021 - Fred. W. Arnold Public Relations Award, Michigan Pharmacy Association
- 2020 - Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity Northern Lakes Region Chapter of the Year Award
- 2020 - American College of Clinical Pharmacy Education Award
- 2019 - Phi Lambda Sigma Gamma Chi Leadership Society Honorary Member Induction
- 2018 - Advisor of the Year, Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity
- 2018 - Fellow, American Geriatric Society
- 2017 - Regional Chapter of the Year, Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity
- 2017 - American Geriatrics Society Outstanding Service on the Ethnogeriatrics Committee Award
- 2016 - First Runner-up Collegiate Chapter of the Year Award, Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity
- 2016 - First Place in the Core Values Poster Competition, Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity
- 2016 - Certificate of Appreciation. Student Chapter of the Arab American Pharmacists Association
- 2016 - A.L. Johnson Corporation Leadership Award – Presented to Wayne State University Community Homeless Interprofessional Program (faculty preceptor)
- 2015 - Distinguished Scholar and Fellow, National Academies of Practice
- 2014 - Achievement Award, American College of Clinical Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Practice and Research Network
- 2014 - Excellence in Teaching Award, WSU Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
- 2014 - Runner-up Best Chapter National Competition and Central Division LKS Best Chapter-Omicron WSU chapter,
- 2013 - Building Michigan’s Health Care Workforce Award for Interprofessional Teamwork Initiative, Michigan Health Council
- 2013 - Second Place Winner, American College of Clinical Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Virtual Walk Around Poster Competition
- 2013 - Central Division LKS Best Chapter - Omicron WSU chapter
- 2012 - Contributed Papers Program Merit Award, American Pharmacist Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (top poster award to my students’ collaborative research project)
- 2009 - Innovations in Teaching Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- 2007 - Runner-up Innovations in Teaching Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- 2005 - Student Research Preceptor’s Award, Southeastern Michigan Society of Health System Pharmacists
- 2004 - Hallie Bruce Award (top award), Minnesota Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- 2001 - Outstanding Advisor of the Year Award, Kappa Epsilon National Fraternity
- 2001 - Tom Kohout Meritorious Service Award, Minnesota Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- 2000 - Innovations in Teaching Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- 1994 - Who's Who in the Midwest
- 1992 - Fellow, American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- 1992 - Fellow, American Society of Hospital Pharmacists
- 1989 - Gordon L. Starr Award for Outstanding Services to Students (competitive award), University of Minnesota
- 1985-1988 - Outstanding Young Women of America
- 1979 - Ethel J. Heath Scholarship Key, Lambda Kappa Sigma Fraternity
- 1979 - Rexall Pharmacy Service Award for Outstanding Achievement in Leadership Activities
- 1978-1979 - Mortar Board Society
- 1978-1979 - Rho Chi National Honor Society
- 1974-1979 - Merit Scholarship, Wayne State University
- American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation
- Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Fraternity
- Michigan Pharmacist Association
- Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- National Academies of Practice
- Oakland County Pharmacist Association
- Phi Lambda Sigma – Gamma Chi Chapter
- Southeastern Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- Geriatrics
- Women's health
- Cultural sensitivity
- Osteoporosis
- Scholarship of teaching and learning
- Interprofessional education
- Interdisciplinary ambulatory care
Scholarship of teaching and learning
Women's health and geriatric pharmacotherapy
Co-Authored Scholarly Books
- O'Connell MB, Smith J, Borgelt L. Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. Third Edition. McGraw Hill Inc, 2023.
- O'Connell MB, Smith J. Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. Second Edition. McGraw Hill Inc, 2019.
- Borgelt L, O'Connell MB, Smith J. Calis, K. Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. First Edition. McGraw Hill Inc, 2019.
Co-Authored Chapters
- O’Connell MB, Mollon L, Arif S. Culturally Sensitive and Equitable Person-Centered Care in Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. Third edition. McGraw Hill Inc. 2023:eChapter. (accepted)
- O’Connell MB, Borchert J, Salek E, Fava JP. Chapter 112 - Osteoporosis in Pharmacotherapy, eleventh edition, Dipiro JT, Yee GC, Ellingrod VL, Haines ST, Nolin TD, Posey LM, editors. eChapter AccessPharmacy. 2022
- O’Connell MB, Borchert J, Salek E, Fava JP. Chapter 108 Osteoporosis in Pharmacotherapy, eleventh edition, Dipiro JT, Yee GC, Ellingrod VL, Haines ST, Nolin TD, Posey LM, editors. eChapter AccessPharmacy. 2020
- O’Connell MB, Mollon L, Pattin CJ, Iyengar V. LGBT, Race, Ethnicity, Religion and Cultural Sensitivity in Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. second edition. McGraw Hill Inc. eChapter AccessPharmacy. 2019
Articles Published
- Vernon V, Patel J, Cieri-Hutcherson NE, Arellano R, Elmore H, Griffin BL, Mitzel K, Moyeno WM, O’Connell MB, Pelaccio K, Lodise NM. The impact of COVID-19 on select considerations in patients of reproductive age: Brief talking points for pharmacists. J Am Pharm Assoc. 23;63:720-724
- Rashid Z,* O’Connell MB, Yang K. Implementation Issues with Pharmacist Prescribed Contraception in Michigan Community Pharmacies Using the Transtheoretical Domain Framework. JACCP 22;5:1253-1262.
- Pellacio K,* Bright D, Dillaway H. O’Connell MB. Birth control use and access including pharmacist-prescribed contraception services during COVID-19. Pharmacy 22;10:142
- Chang F.* O’Connell MB, Mills ME,* Hwang J,* Khreizat HS,* Garwood CL, Houser A.* Prevention Health Medication and Behavior Outcomes from a Brown Bag Medication Review for Ambulatory Older Adults. J Am Ger Soc 2022;70:3202-3209
- Kucherepa U,* O’Connell MB. Self-Assessment of Cultural Competence and Social Determinants of Health within a First-Year Required Pharmacy Course. Pharmacy 2022;10(1):6.
- O’Connell MB, Fava J, Gilkey S, Derecyzk A, Higgins R, Burke C, Lucarotti R, Mackey P. Using Community Pharmacies and Team Observed Structured Clinical Encounters (TOSCEs) for Interprofessional Education and Training. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2021;13:19-28.
- O’Connell MB, Pattin AJ, Gilkey SJ, Dereczyk AL, Lucarotti RL, Chackunkal SJ. Feasibility of Interprofessional Education in a Community Pharmacy. J Pharm Prac 2020:1-8.
- Fava JP, Whitney M,* O’Connell MB. Bone Health Assessments by Pharmacy Students as Part of Interprofessional Education - Feasibility and Outcomes. Curr Teach Learn 2020:12(9):1101-1109.
- O’Connell MB, Samman L, Bailey T, King L, Wellman G. Attitudes of Michigan Female College Students About Pharmacists Prescribing Birth Control in a Community Pharmacy. Pharmacy. 2020;8:99.
Abstracts Published
- Berlie H, Garwood C, Gortney J, Mohammad I, Moser LR, O’Connell MB, Saad A. Triangulation of PIF efforts: Curricular, Co-Curricular, and Extra-Curricular Initiatives. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Aurora, CO. 2023.
- Pelaccio K,* Bright D, Dillaway H, O’Connell MB. COVID-19 Effects on Birth Control Use, Adherence, and Access Including Pharmacist Prescribing Services. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. 2022.
- Kucherepa U,* O’Connell MB. Self-assessment of Cultural Competency within a First-year Required Pharmacy Course. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Virtual Poster Session 2021.
- Rashid Z,* O’Connell MB, Yang K. Motivating Factors and Barriers to Pharmacist Prescribing Birth Control in Michigan Community Pharmacies. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Virtual Poster Session 2021.
- Rashid Z,* O’Connell MB, Yang K. Motivating Factors and Barriers to Pharmacist Prescribing Birth Control in Michigan Community Pharmacies. Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Day, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2021.
- Pelaccio K,* Dillaway H, Bright D, O’Connell MB. COIVD-19 Effects on Birth Control Use, Adherence, and Access Including Pharmacist Prescribing Services. Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Day, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2021.
- Kucherepa U,* O’Connell MB. First-Year Pharmacy Students’ Opinions on a Career Fari in a Required Course. Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Day, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2020.
- King L,* Bailey T, Wellman G, Samman L,* O’Connell MB. Sexual Practices of College Students – Opportunity for Pharmacy Services. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Midyear Clinical Meeting. (2019).
- Samman L,* O’Connell MB, Bailey T, Wellman G, King L.* Pharmacists Prescribing Birth Control in a Community Pharmacy – College Student Opinions. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Annual Meeting, New York, NY (2019).
- Cormier J,* Denton S,* O’Connell MB. Impact of the Career Pathway Self-Assessment Tool on Student Career Planning. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. (2019).

Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
- 1982 - Pharm.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1979 - B.S. in Pharmacy, Wayne State University
- 2015 - Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (1993, 2000, 2008)
- 2013 - Medication Therapy Management, American Pharmacists Association
- 2013 - Medication Therapy Management Train the Trainer, American Pharmacists Association
- 2010 - Pharmacy Based Immunization Delivery, Michigan Pharmacists Association
- 2000-2008 - CPR, American Red Cross
- 1989 - Quarter Sabbatical (study of osteoporotic fractures), University of Minnesota School of Public Health
- 2017-present - Professor of Pharmacy Practice with tenure, Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Detroit, Michigan
- 2002-present - Faculty Associate, Wayne State University Institute of Gerontology, Detroit, MI
- 2002-2017 - Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice with tenure, Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Detroit, Michigan
- 2004-2010 - Geriatric Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacist, Geriatric Center of Excellence, Krieger Geriatric, Huron Valley Sinai Health System, Detroit Medical Center, Commerce Twp, MI
- 2005-2008 - Geriatric Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacist, Geriatric Center of Excellence, Rosa Parks Senior Center, University Health Center, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI
- 2002 - Full Member, Graduate Faculty in Social, Administrative, and Clinical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1993-2002 - Associate Member, Graduate Faculty in Gerontology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1991-2002 - Associate Professor of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology with tenure, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 2001-2002 - Associate Member, Graduate Faculty in Social, Administrative, and Clinical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1997-2001 - Associate Member, Graduate Faculty in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1992-2000 - Associate Member, Graduate Faculty in Hospital Pharmacy & Experimental Pharmacotherapy, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1998-1999 - Director of Education and Chair Advisory Board for the Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Certificate Program, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1997-1998 - Director and Chair Advisory Board of the Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Certificate Program, University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, Minneapolis, MN
- 1984-1996 - Clinical Research Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN
- 1984-1991 - Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- 1982-1983 - Assistant Professor of Pharmacy, Ferris State College, College of Pharmacy, Big Rapids, MI
- 1982-1983 - Clinical Pharmacist, St. Lawrence Hospital and Michigan State Nephrology Clinic, Lansing, MI
- 1980-1982 - Arden Plaza Pharmacy, Arden Hills, MN
- 2024 - Hall of Honor Award, Michigan Pharmacists Association
- 2023 - Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Fraternity Chapter of the Year Award, Platinum Region Chapter of the Year Award, PepTaLKS Attendance Award, PepTaLKS Top Quiz Score
- 2022 - Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Fraternity Chapter of the Year Award, Region Chapter of the Year Award, Top Leadership Award, and Top Service Award
- 2022 - Vanguard Leadership Award, Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity
- 2021 - Top Resident and Fellow Poster Finalist with Ulyana Kucherapa, PharmD American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- 2021 - Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Fraternity Gold Region Chapter of the Year Award, Third Place Member Retention Award, and Finalist for the Leadership Award
- 2021 - Walmart Scholar Program Award with Dr. Ulyana Kucherepa, PharmD
- 2021 - Fred. W. Arnold Public Relations Award, Michigan Pharmacy Association
- 2020 - Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity Northern Lakes Region Chapter of the Year Award
- 2020 - American College of Clinical Pharmacy Education Award
- 2019 - Phi Lambda Sigma Gamma Chi Leadership Society Honorary Member Induction
- 2018 - Advisor of the Year, Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity
- 2018 - Fellow, American Geriatric Society
- 2017 - Regional Chapter of the Year, Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity
- 2017 - American Geriatrics Society Outstanding Service on the Ethnogeriatrics Committee Award
- 2016 - First Runner-up Collegiate Chapter of the Year Award, Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity
- 2016 - First Place in the Core Values Poster Competition, Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Pharmacy Fraternity
- 2016 - Certificate of Appreciation. Student Chapter of the Arab American Pharmacists Association
- 2016 - A.L. Johnson Corporation Leadership Award – Presented to Wayne State University Community Homeless Interprofessional Program (faculty preceptor)
- 2015 - Distinguished Scholar and Fellow, National Academies of Practice
- 2014 - Achievement Award, American College of Clinical Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Practice and Research Network
- 2014 - Excellence in Teaching Award, WSU Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
- 2014 - Runner-up Best Chapter National Competition and Central Division LKS Best Chapter-Omicron WSU chapter,
- 2013 - Building Michigan’s Health Care Workforce Award for Interprofessional Teamwork Initiative, Michigan Health Council
- 2013 - Second Place Winner, American College of Clinical Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Virtual Walk Around Poster Competition
- 2013 - Central Division LKS Best Chapter - Omicron WSU chapter
- 2012 - Contributed Papers Program Merit Award, American Pharmacist Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (top poster award to my students’ collaborative research project)
- 2009 - Innovations in Teaching Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- 2007 - Runner-up Innovations in Teaching Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- 2005 - Student Research Preceptor’s Award, Southeastern Michigan Society of Health System Pharmacists
- 2004 - Hallie Bruce Award (top award), Minnesota Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- 2001 - Outstanding Advisor of the Year Award, Kappa Epsilon National Fraternity
- 2001 - Tom Kohout Meritorious Service Award, Minnesota Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- 2000 - Innovations in Teaching Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- 1994 - Who's Who in the Midwest
- 1992 - Fellow, American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- 1992 - Fellow, American Society of Hospital Pharmacists
- 1989 - Gordon L. Starr Award for Outstanding Services to Students (competitive award), University of Minnesota
- 1985-1988 - Outstanding Young Women of America
- 1979 - Ethel J. Heath Scholarship Key, Lambda Kappa Sigma Fraternity
- 1979 - Rexall Pharmacy Service Award for Outstanding Achievement in Leadership Activities
- 1978-1979 - Mortar Board Society
- 1978-1979 - Rho Chi National Honor Society
- 1974-1979 - Merit Scholarship, Wayne State University
- American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- American Geriatrics Society
- Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation
- Lambda Kappa Sigma Professional Fraternity
- Michigan Pharmacist Association
- Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- National Academies of Practice
- Oakland County Pharmacist Association
- Phi Lambda Sigma – Gamma Chi Chapter
- Southeastern Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- Geriatrics
- Women's health
- Cultural sensitivity
- Study abroad
- Osteoporosis
- Scholarship of teaching and learning
- Interprofessional education
- Interdisciplinary ambulatory care
Scholarship of teaching and learning
Women's health and geriatric pharmacotherapy
Co-Authored Scholarly Books
- O'Connell MB, Smith J, Borgelt L. Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. Third Edition. McGraw Hill Inc, 2023.
- O'Connell MB, Smith J. Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. Second Edition. McGraw Hill Inc, 2019.
Co-Authored Chapters
- O’Connell MB, DeLellis T. Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue. in Fundamentals of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy: An Evidenced-Based Approach. Third edition. Sleeper R, Hutchinson L, editors, 2024 (accepted)
- O’Connell MB, Mollon L, Arif S. Culturally Sensitive and Equitable Person-Centered Care in Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. Third edition. McGraw Hill Inc. 2024:eChapter 2
- O’Connell MB, Borchert J, Salek E, Fava JP. Chapter 112 - Osteoporosis in Pharmacotherapy, eleventh edition, Dipiro JT, Yee GC, Ellingrod VL, Haines ST, Nolin TD, Posey LM, editors. eChapter AccessPharmacy. 2022
- O’Connell MB, Borchert J, Salek E, Fava JP. Chapter 108 Osteoporosis in Pharmacotherapy, eleventh edition, Dipiro JT, Yee GC, Ellingrod VL, Haines ST, Nolin TD, Posey LM, editors. eChapter AccessPharmacy. 2020
- O’Connell MB, Mollon L, Pattin CJ, Iyengar V. LGBT, Race, Ethnicity, Religion and Cultural Sensitivity in Women’s Health Across the Lifespan: A Pharmacotherapeutic Approach. second edition. McGraw Hill Inc. eChapter AccessPharmacy. 2019
Articles Published
- O’Connell MB, Pelaccio K, Tabon P, Rashid D, Na S. Medicare Part D Plan Comparisons and Switching. J Am Ger Soc 24;72:1275-1279. doi:10.1111/jgs.18758
- Vernon V, Patel J, Cieri-Hutcherson NE, Arellano R, Elmore H, Griffin BL, Mitzel K, Moyeno WM, O’Connell MB, Pelaccio K, Lodise NM. The impact of COVID-19 on select considerations in patients of reproductive age: Brief talking points for pharmacists. J Am Pharm Assoc.
- Rashid Z,* O’Connell MB, Yang K. Implementation Issues with Pharmacist Prescribed Contraception in Michigan Community Pharmacies Using the Transtheoretical Domain Framework. JACCP 22;5:1253-1262.
- Pellacio K,* Bright D, Dillaway H. O’Connell MB. Birth control use and access including pharmacist-prescribed contraception services during COVID-19. Pharmacy 22;10:142
- Chang F.* O’Connell MB, Mills ME,* Hwang J,* Khreizat HS,* Garwood CL, Houser A.* Prevention Health Medication and Behavior Outcomes from a Brown Bag Medication Review for Ambulatory Older Adults. J Am Ger Soc 2022.
- Kucherepa U,* O’Connell MB. Self-Assessment of Cultural Competence and Social Determinants of Health within a First-Year Required Pharmacy Course. Pharmacy 2022;10(1):6.
- O’Connell MB, Fava J, Gilkey S, Derecyzk A, Higgins R, Burke C, Lucarotti R, Mackey P. Using Community Pharmacies and Team Observed Structured Clinical Encounters (TOSCEs) for Interprofessional Education and Training. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2021;13:19-28.
- O’Connell MB, Pattin AJ, Gilkey SJ, Dereczyk AL, Lucarotti RL, Chackunkal SJ. Feasibility of Interprofessional Education in a Community Pharmacy. J Pharm Prac 2020:1-8.
- Fava JP, Whitney M,* O’Connell MB. Bone Health Assessments by Pharmacy Students as Part of Interprofessional Education - Feasibility and Outcomes. Curr Teach Learn 2020:12(9):1101-1109.
- O’Connell MB, Samman L, Bailey T, King L, Wellman G. Attitudes of Michigan Female College Students About Pharmacists Prescribing Birth Control in a Community Pharmacy. Pharmacy. 2020;8:99.
Abstracts Published
- Gregor S,* O’Connell MB. Variability Upon Entry and Consistency of Learning of Cultural Competency and SDOH Within Cohorts Across a Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum. Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Day, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2023
- Nasser Y,* O’Connell MB. Impact of Fourth-Year Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs) on Cultural and Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Knowledge and Skills Development. Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Day, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2023
- O’Connell MB, Pelaccio K,* Tabon P,* Rashid Z, Na S, Thomas H. Medicare Part D Plan Comparisons and Switching. American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX. 2023.
- Berlie H, Garwood C, Gortney J, Mohammad I, Moser LR, O’Connell MB, Saad A . Triangulation of PIF efforts: Curricular, Co-Curricular, and Extra-Curricular Initiatives. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Aurora, CO. 2023
- O’Connell MB, Pelaccio K,* Tabon P,* Rashid Z, Na S, Thomas H. Medicare Part D Plan Comparisons and Switching. American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX. 2023.
- Berlie H, Garwood C, Gortney J, Mohammad I, Moser LR, O’Connell MB, Saad A. Triangulation of PIF efforts: Curricular, Co-Curricular, and Extra-Curricular Initiatives. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Aurora, CO. 2023.
- Pelaccio K,* Bright D, Dillaway H, O’Connell MB. COVID-19 Effects on Birth Control Use, Adherence, and Access Including Pharmacist Prescribing Services. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. 2022.
- Kucherepa U,* O’Connell MB. Self-assessment of Cultural Competency within a First-year Required Pharmacy Course. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Virtual Poster Session 2021.
- Rashid Z,* O’Connell MB, Yang K. Motivating Factors and Barriers to Pharmacist Prescribing Birth Control in Michigan Community Pharmacies. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Virtual Poster Session 2021.
- Rashid Z,* O’Connell MB, Yang K. Motivating Factors and Barriers to Pharmacist Prescribing Birth Control in Michigan Community Pharmacies. Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Day, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2021.
- Pelaccio K,* Dillaway H, Bright D, O’Connell MB. COIVD-19 Effects on Birth Control Use, Adherence, and Access Including Pharmacist Prescribing Services. Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Day, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2021.
- Kucherepa U,* O’Connell MB. First-Year Pharmacy Students’ Opinions on a Career Fari in a Required Course. Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Day, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2020.
- King L,* Bailey T, Wellman G, Samman L,* O’Connell MB. Sexual Practices of College Students – Opportunity for Pharmacy Services. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Midyear Clinical Meeting. (2019).
- Samman L,* O’Connell MB, Bailey T, Wellman G, King L.* Pharmacists Prescribing Birth Control in a Community Pharmacy – College Student Opinions. American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Annual Meeting, New York, NY (2019).
- Cormier J,* Denton S,* O’Connell MB. Impact of the Career Pathway Self-Assessment Tool on Student Career Planning. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. (2019).