Sergei A. Voloshin (ag6533)

University information

Title: Distinguished Professor
Unit: Physics & Astronomy
Department: College of Liberal Arts & Science

Contact information

135 Physics Bldg.
Detroit, 48202

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Physics and Astronomy

Title: Distinguished Professor
Phone: 313-577-2721

349 Physics Research Building

Curriculum Vitae:

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Research interest(s)/area of expertise:

Ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions, Quark-Gluon plasma

Multiparticle production


ALICE Collaboration at CERN, STAR Collaboration at RHIC

Education – Degrees, Licenses, Certifications: Moscow Engineering Physics Institute,1976 Diploma, 1980 PhD
Awards and grants:
  • 2008: Fellow of American Physical Society
  • 2011: Richard J. Barber Faculty Recognition Award
  • 2012: Inducted to Wayne State University Academy of Scholars
  • 2015: American Physical Society Outstanding Referee
  • 2021: Board of Governors Distinguished Faculty Award
  • 2023: Appointed to the rank of Distinguished Professor

Research supported by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Selected Publications:
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Sergei A. Voloshin

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