LaSondra Disha Dawn (ag1646)
University information
Contact information
College of Education
- Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Wayne State University
- Master of Education in Educational Leadership, Wayne State University
- Education Specialist Certificate in General Administration and Supervision, Wayne State University
- Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Students, Wayne State University
- Certification: Michigan Voluntary School Administrator Certificate (K-12 and Central Office)
- Pre-Admissions Advising: Prospective Graduate Students
- Graduate Yield and Retention
- Master's Time Extension Coordinator
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
LaSondra was born in Dallas, Texas and raised in Detroit, Michigan. She has worked in the College of Education since 2010. She works primarily with graduate students. LaSondra also serves on several college and university committees aimed at supporting student and institutional success. During the 2021-2022 academic year, she was a fellow in the Wayne State University Leadership Academy Fellowship Program and served as a mentor for the WSU Success for Underrepresented Students in Graduate Education (SURGE) Program. One of LaSondra's favorite quotes is "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams
- Student Affairs
- Higher Education Policies and Procedures
- Educational Leadership
- Faculty-Student Engagement
- Graduate Student Retention
- Student Involvement/Leadership
- College of Education Academic Staff Award, May 2017
- Academic Staff Professional Development Committee (ASPDC) Outstanding Contributor Award, April 2013
- Academic Staff Professional Development Committee (ASPDC) Travel Grant, May 2022
- Academic Staff Professional Development Committee (ASPDC) Travel Grant, March 2019
- American College Personnel Association (ACPA), Member
- Michigan Academic Advising Association (MIACADA), Member
- National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), Member
“The Anatomy of An Advisor: Using Inherent Advising Tools for Student Success”, 2021 Academic Advising Summit - The Joy of Advising: Recipes for Success, Wayne State University, October 2021
"A Roundtable Dialogue Exploring “Major Hopping” Among Underrepresented College Students, 29th Annual Equity in the Classroom Conference, March 2019

Graduate School
Current Department/School College
Educational Leadership & Policy Studies/COE
Trainee Match
Brenda Rodriguez (Psychology/CLAS)
LaSondra Dawn chose to attend graduate school to expand her knowledge and skills in the area of educational leadership and aspires to a career in leadership that involves social justice. She chose Wayne State because of its urban location, reputation and inclusive learning environment. She chose to be a mentor to make positive connections, grow as a leader and empower others.