William Emerson Hill (ad2107)

University information

Title: Assistant Dean
Unit: Administration & Organization Stud
Department: College of Education

Contact information

Wayne State University
College of Education
389 Education
Detroit, 48202

College of Education

Phone: 313-577-9316
Degrees and Certifications:
  • Doctor of Education, Wayne State University, 2003
  • Master of Art, Psychology, Adelphi University, 1986
  • Bachelors of Art, Psychology, University of Michigan, 1984

Administrative and Organizational Studies

Higher Education Administration Concentration

Fax: 313-577-1693
Title: Assistant Professor (Clinical) of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Office Hours:

Office Hours: By appointment.

Office Location: 367 College of Education
Research Interests:

Student Success

  •  Student Perceptions of a Hybrid Learning Community’s Impact on Engagement, Persistence and Retention
    Nolan, C., Hill, W 2 2015 Michigan Student Success Conference, Troy, Michigan
  • The Significance of Student Resources and Networking
    Nolan, C., Hill, W., Deebah, R 2 2016 Michigan Student Success Conference, Troy, Michigan,
  • Student Perceptions of Significance Acquired from Participation in an Outdoor Themed Learning Community
    Nolan, C., Hill, W., Deebah, R 11 2016 National Learning Communities Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
  •  QUESTS: An Urban University Outdoor Experience Orientation Program As A Retention Vehicle
    *Hill, W.*, Nolan, C., and Scrogin, J., 2010 Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership Vol. 2
William Emerson Hill

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