Angela Martin (aa7939)

University information

Title: Assoc Director
Unit: Develop Disabilities
Department: Provost & VP Academic Affairs

Contact information

268 Leonard N Simons Bldg.
Develop Disabilities
Vp Academic Affairs
Detroit, 48202

Michigan Developmental Disabilities Institute

Title: Senior Associate Director


1997 B.A. University of Dayton


2000M.S.W. Wayne State University (Social Work)

Research Support:

Michigan Home and Community Based Services Transition Project
Agency: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration
Project Coordinator, January 2015-present

Mount Pleasant Center Monitoring and Evaluation Project
Agency: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration
Project Director, August 2008-present

Michigan Partners for Freedom
Agency: The Arc Michigan
Project Trainer and Regional Coordinator, October 2011-present
Project Coordinator, October 2009-September 2011

Michigan Family Support Initiative
Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Project Coordinator, September 2010-November 2012

Detroit 360o Family Support Implementation Project
Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities; Detroit-Wayne County Community Mental Health Agency
Project Coordinator, September 2004-September 2010

Did You Know Project: Educating Families and Support Coordinators about the Community Mental Health System
Agency: Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council
Project Assistant and Trainer, January 2007-June 2008

Easter Seals Family Support Project
Agency: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Developmental Disabilities
Project Trainer and Curriculum Developer (10/1/2009 – 9/30/2010)

Detroit 360o Family Support Implementation Project
Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities
Project Coordinator, October 2004-present

Detroit 360o Family Support Planning Project
Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities
Project Coordinator, October 2003-September 2004

Professional Memberships & Honors:

Professional Memberships:

Consultant, Disability Rights International, Kiev and Kharkiv, Ukraine (2015)

Professional International Exchange Fellow U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Exchanges and Cultural Affairs, Dushanbe, Tajikistan (2013)

Panel Reviewer, Social Security Administration (2006)

Member, International Association on the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Member of Comparative Policy (2004-present)

Member, TASH (2003-present)

Member, American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2001-present)

Member, National Association of Social Workers (1998-present)


Professional of the Year 2010, The Arc of Western Wayne

Leadership in Advocacy 2012, Association for University Centers on Disabilities 

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