Jonathan T. Weinberg (aa1903)

University information

Title: Distinguished Professor
Unit: Law Instruction Units
Department: Law School

Contact information

370 Law School Bldg.
Law Instruc Units
Detroit, 48202

Law School


Jonathan Weinberg joined the Wayne Law faculty in 1988, and was the associate dean for research and faculty development from 2018 to 2022.

He has been a law clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and then-Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg; a visiting scholar at the University of Tokyo's Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies; a law firm associate in Washington, D.C; a professor in residence at the U.S. Justice Department; a legal scholar in residence at the Federal Communications Commission; and a visiting scholar at Cardozo Law School. He chaired a working group created by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, an international body that administers the Internet domain name system) to develop recommendations on the creation of new Internet top level domains.

Weinberg has published articles on a wide-ranging set of topics including privacy, internet law, immigration and citizenship law, the first amendment, communications law and administrative law.

Office Location: Room 3105
Degrees and Certifications:

J.D., Columbia Law School
A.B., Harvard University

Curriculum Vitae: 143418 1637006721 file
Title: Distinguished Professor of Law
Selected publications:

Know Everything That Can Be Known about Everybody: The Birth of the Credit Report, 63 Vill. L. Rev. 431 (2018)

Digital ID: Identity and Privacy in a Digital World (draft in progress; under contract to Cambridge University Press)

The Real Costs of Cheap Surveillance, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN (July 18, 2017); THE CONVERSATION (July 17, 2017)

Proving Identity, 44 PEPPERDINE L. REV. 731 (2017)

Bureaucracy as Violence, 115 MICH. L. REV. 1097 (2017) 

On Commercial – and Corporate – Speech, 99 MARQ. L. REV. 559 (2016)

Biometric Identity, 59 COMMS. OF THE ACM #1 (2016)

Demanding Identity Papers, 55 WASHBURN L.J.197 (2015-16)

Assessing Agency Legitimacy, JOTWELL (July 17, 2013)

The Right to be Taken Seriously, 67 U. MIAMI L. REV. 149 (2012)

Non-State Actors and Global Informal Governance: The Case of ICANN, in INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK ON INFORMAL GOVERNANCE (Thomas Christiansen & Christine Neuhold eds. 2012)

Hard to BELIEVE: The High Cost of a Biometric ID Card (February 2012) (with A. Michael Froomkin), a Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy Research Brief

Governments, privatization and 'privatization': ICANN and the GAC, 18 MICH. TELECOM. & TECH. L. REV. 189 (2011)

The End of Citizenship?, 107 MICH. L. REV. 931 (2009)

Tracking RFID, 3 ISJLP 777 (2007-08)

RFID and Privacy, in SECURING PRIVACY IN THE INTERNET AGE (Anupam Chander, Lauren Gelman, & Margaret Jane Radin eds. 2008)

RFID, Privacy, and Regulation, in RFID: APPLICATIONS, SECURITY, & PRIVACY (Simson Garfinkel & Beth Rosenberg eds. 2006)

Site Finder and Internet Governance, 1 U. OTTAWA L. & TECH. J. 345 (2004)

ICANN, “Internet Stability,” and New Top Level Domains, in COMMUNICATIONS POLICY AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: PROMISES, PROBLEMS, PROSPECTS 3 (Lorrie Cranor & Shane Greenstein eds., MIT Press 2002)

Digital TV, Copy Control, and Public Policy, 19 CARDOZO ARTS & ENT. L.J. 277 (2002)

Geeks and Greeks, 3 INFO 313 (2001)

ICANN and the Problem of Legitimacy, 50 DUKE L. J. 187 (2000)

US Media Law Update, 5 MEDIA & ARTS L. REV. [AUSTRALIA] 271 (2000)

Hardware-Based ID, Rights Management, and Trusted Systems, 52 STAN. L. REV. 1251 (2000)
A shortened and revised version of this article was published in THE COMMODIFICATION OF INFORMATION 343 (Niva Elkin-Koren & Neil Netanel eds., 2002).

Internet Governance (in Japanese; Itsuko Yamaguchi trans.), in CYBERSPACE LAW (Makoto Ibusuki ed.; Nihon Hyoron Sha, Tokyo 2000).

Broadcasting and Related Media, in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION (Leonard W. Levy et al., eds.) (2d ed. 2000)

The Internet and “Telecommunications Services,” Universal Service Mechanisms, Access Charges and Other Flotsam of the Regulatory System, 16 YALE J. ON REG. 211 (1999)

This article has also been published as Internet Telephony Regulation in INTERNET TELEPHONY (Lee McKnight et al. eds. 2001); an earlier version appears in COMPETITION, REGULATION AND CONVERGENCE: CURRENT TRENDS IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY RESEARCH 297 (Sharon Gillett and Ingo Volgelsang, eds. 1999).

US Media Law Update, 4 MEDIA & ARTS L. REV. [AUSTRALIA] 199 (1999)

Technology, Free Expression and the Law, UPDATE ON LAW-RELATED EDUCATION, Fall 1998, at 6

New Media and Old Debates (review of RATIONALES & RATIONALIZATIONS: REGULATING THE ELECTRONIC MEDIA (Robert Corn-Revere ed. 1997)), Jurist Books-on-Law (July 1998)

Rating the Net, 19 HASTINGS COMM/ENT L.J. 455 (1997).
This article has also been published in THE V-CHIP DEBATE: LABELING AND RATING CONTENT FROM TELEVISION TO THE INTERNET 221 (Monroe E. Price ed. 1998); an earlier version appears in INTERCONNECTION AND THE INTERNET 225 (Gregory L. Rosston & David Waterman eds. 1997).

Cable TV, Indecency and the Court, 21 COLUM.-VLA J.L. & ARTS 95 (1997)

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and U.S. Media Ownership, in 1996 YEARBOOK OF MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW 99 (Eric M. Barendt et al. eds.) (with Monroe Price)

United States, in MEDIA OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL IN THE AGE OF CONVERGENCE 265 (Int'l Inst. of Communications 1996) (with Monroe Price)

Vagueness and Indecency, 3 VILL. SPORTS & ENT. L. J. 221 (1996)

Broadcasting and Speech, 81 CALIF. L. REV. 1101 (1993)
This article has been reprinted in FREE SPEECH IN THE NEW MEDIA (Thomas Gibbons ed. 2009); FIRST AMENDMENT LAW HANDBOOK, 1994-95 EDITION 177 (James L. Swanson ed. 1994), and (without footnotes) as Hoso to Genron, in HOSOSEIDORON NO PARADAIMU [PARADIGMS OF THE BROADCASTING SYSTEM] 79 (Junichi Hamada ed. & Itsuko Yamaguchi trans., University of Tokyo 1994).

Broadcasting and the Administrative Process in Japan and the United States, 39 BUFFALO L. REV. 615 (1991)

Thurgood Marshall and the Administrative State, 38 WAYNE L. REV. 115 (1991)

Limiting Access to the Broadcast Marketplace, 44 BULL. OF [UNIV. OF TOKYO] INST. OF JOURNALISM & COMM. STUD. 2 (1991)

Questioning Broadcast Regulation, 86 MICH. L. REV. 1269 (1988)

Amerika Gasshukoku ni Okeru Yusen Terebijon to Chosakuken [Cable Television and Copyright in the United States], 15 CHOSAKUKEN KENKYU 23 (1988)

Note, Constitutional Protection of Commercial Speech, 82 COLUM. L. REV. 720 (1982)

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Jonathan T. Weinberg

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