Mortuary Science Building is closed until Monday, Jan. 27 due to heating issues. Science Hall is closed until Monday, Jan. 27 due to flooding. The rest of campus is open.

  • January 23, 2024, 12:27 p.m. ET
    • Science Hall, 5045 Cass Ave., is closed until Monday, Jan. 27 due to flooding. Classes scheduled in that building will move to remote instruction.
    • The Mortuary Science Building, 5439 Woodward Ave., is closed until Monday, Jan. 27 due to heating issues. Classes scheduled in that building will move to remote instruction.
    • The rest of campus is open.
  • January 23, 2024, 8:39 a.m. ET
    • Science Hall, 5045 Cass Ave., is closed on Thursday, Jan. 23 due to flooding. Classes scheduled in that building will move to remote instruction.
    • The Mortuary Science Building, 5439 Woodward Ave., is closed until Monday, Jan. 27 due to heating issues. Classes scheduled in that building will move to remote instruction.
    • The rest of campus is open.
  • January 22, 2024, 8:02 p.m. ET
    • The Mortuary Science Building, 5439 Woodward Ave., is closed until Monday, Jan. 27 due to heating issues. Classes scheduled in that building will move to remote instruction.
    • The rest of campus is open.

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