Warrior Strong

We are born warriors video

Detroit is Warrior Strong

Community health is Warrior Strong

What fuels you? Wayne State University’s latest marketing campaign celebrates your unique strength that pushes you past obstacles and toward success, like a true Warrior.

Wayne State invites Warriors everywhere to be the newest stars of our latest marketing campaign. We're looking for photos and videos that show off your Warrior pride, study and work spaces, and the ways you're connecting with fellow Warriors and your community.

We learned that inside every Wayne State Warrior is a strength that pushes them past obstacles and toward success. It's a message that stands true throughout our history and is central to our mission.

Thank you, Warriors.

View the Warrior Strong campaign poster

This campaign is about students, faculty, staff and alumni. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in photo shoots, interviews and filming — and for sharing the many ways in which you are Warrior Strong.

We are all born to succeed

Sometimes all we have is the strength inside.

The kind of strength that keeps you moving forward when you'd rather turn back.

The strength to do the right thing when it's easier to do nothing at all. To do good and then ask, "How can I do better?"

The strength to never settle for the way things are, but to strive for the way things ought to be. And to know that to get where you want to go, you might have to make your own path.

At Wayne State University, we take that strength and make it stronger. Because being strong isn't strong enough.

You need to be Warrior Strong.

See the faces of the Warrior Strong Campaign