
It's never too early to start planning for college. That's why we've put together some helpful tips and important information to help students succeed after high school. 

Think about it!

Who do you want to be?

If no particular profession has called out to you yet, ask yourself some important questions.

  • What are your interests and strengths?
  • What kind of jobs fit into those categories?
  • What degree will you need to get your dream job?

What's the right college for you?

Do you want to get away or stay close to home? Do you like the idea of a traditional campus or one in the heart of a big city? What about studying in another country for a semester? Ask yourself some questions, think about what's important to you, then focus on schools that meet your needs.

The best way to picture yourself in college is to see it in person.

Who can help you out?

Talk to your family, friends and other adults who are close to you. They can share firsthand experiences, honest advice and valuable insight you won't find anywhere else. Of course, guidance counselors and WSU admission counselors are always there to help.

Invest in you

College can seem like a big expense, but your education is an investment that will pay off for the rest of your life.

You'll hear a lot about financial aid programs that can help you pay for college. In fact, WSU awarded more than $36 million in institutional aid and scholarships last year. Taking the right steps now can save you thousands when it's time to pay for tuition.

To increase your scholarship opportunities and earn money that doesn't have to be repaid after you graduate focus on a few things:

  • Work for great grades.

  • Get involved at school.

  • Play a sport or instrument.

  • Volunteer in your community.

The AP advantage

Taking advanced placement courses is a great way to get ahead by earning college credit during high school. AP courses not only prepare you for the rigor of a university curriculum but also save you time and money.

Did you know?

When compared to people with just a high school degree, college graduates earn about $1 million more over the course of their working lives.

Stay on the right track

Of course, before you can be admitted to college, you have to get your high school diploma. Graduation requirements vary across the country, but Michigan students should follow the state's high school graduation requirements to make sure they're on track to graduate.

  • Four credits in English language arts.

  • Four credits in math, including geometry and algebra I and II.

  • Three credits in science, including biology and chemistry or physics.

  • Three credits in social sciences, including U.S. history and geography, world history and geography, civics and economics.

  • One credit in visual, performing and applied arts.

  • One credit in physical education and health.

  • Two credits in world languages.

Join us on campus

Wayne state hosts a number of programs throughout the summer for students at all grade levels. From informative college-prep workshops to science and career days, there's something for every age and interest. 

Activities for elementary school students