Program assessment

WSU Receives National Award for Assessment

Excellence in Assessment Designee badge

The only national award of its kind, the Excellence in Assessment Designation recognizes Wayne State University's success in integrating assessment practices across the institution, providing evidence of student learning outcomes to stakeholders, and utilizing assessment results to guide institutional decision-making and improve student performance. The award is co-sponsored by the Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities (APLU), the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA), and the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U).

Hear from some of our campus assessment leaders as we celebrate this achievement:


WSU Assessment's mission is to engage faculty, staff, administrators, and students from academic, co-curricular, and student services programs in an effective, sustainable process of continuous program improvement that enhances student learning and student success throughout their time at Wayne State. WSU Assessment encourages stakeholders' engagement by:

  • offering professional development opportunities in program assessment, such as workshops, group and individual consultations, training videos, presentations, and written documentation
  • disseminating information about program assessment through peer support structures (University, College/School /Division, and Departmental program assessment committees; program assessment coordinators) and online at
  • recognizing individuals and programs for their exemplary progress and scholarly presentations or publications in assessment
  • facilitating feedback processes to improve the quality of programs' assessment plans

Read our annual reports to see our progress so far and our plans for improvement.

Program assessment supports students, faculty, and staff by helping programs to: 

Get started on your assessment plan now using the resources on this site. For example:

Assessment Handbooks (pdf)

Academic Programs Assessment Handbook                Student Services Assessment Handbook